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研究生: 黃詠翔
Huang, Yung-Hsiang
論文名稱: Drivers of Organizational Resilience: A Case Study of Grand Hyatt Taipei
Drivers of Organizational Resilience: A Case Study of Grand Hyatt Taipei
指導教授: 盧承杰
Lu, Cheng-Chieh
口試委員: 盧承杰
Lu, Cheng-Chieh
Lai, Chih-Chien
Lee, Pai-Po
口試日期: 2024/07/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 67
英文關鍵詞: strategic human resource management, organizational resilience, COVID-19
研究方法: 深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401067
論文種類: 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類)
相關次數: 點閱:216下載:7
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  • This study is designed to comprehensively understand Grand Hyatt Taipei’s resilience process, specifically focusing on its strategic human resources management and decisions. It also aims to identify other factors or changes that can contribute to the organization’s resilience, providing valuable insights for human resource (HR) professionals and hoteliers. This study took a qualitative approach, employing in-depth interviews and document reviews, to delve into the resilience process of Grand Hyatt Taipei and its HR function and decisions. The participants in this study were two director-level HR professionals, and the collected data were analyzed using content analysis, which includes open coding and axial coding. The results show that four personnel HR functions- employee compensation, employee benefits, employee welfare, and employee relations- are the keys that help Grand Hyatt Taipei to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, three types of training and development were identified as important reasons why the HR function helps Grand Hyatt Taipei to recover: employee career development in the COVID era, cross-training and job mobility enhancement, and expatriate training and international mobility enhancement. Lastly, five factors and changes were also identified as beneficial for Grand Hyatt Taipei’s resilience in the post-COVID era: the critical role of the hotel industry in the Taiwan economy, government support, technology support, and strong organizational culture. The study provides insightful suggestions for Taiwan’s hotel practitioners regarding using a hotel’s HR function and other resources to respond to macro-level crises and build a resilient workplace.

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 5 Purposes of the Study 6 Questions of the Study 6 Significance of the Study 6 Research Scope 7 Definitions of Key Terms 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) 9 Related Theory of Organizational Resilience and SHRM 12 Summary 13 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 15 Research Approach 15 Research Participants and Criteria 16 Research Procedure 17 Data Collection 21 Data Analysis 22 Research Quality 23 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 25 How SHRM Helps Grand Hyatt Taipei to Achieve Hotel Resilience 25 Personnel Human Resource Management (HRM) Function 26 Training and Development Function 32 Factors and Changes Helpful for Hotel Resilience 35 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 43 Conclusions 43 Implications 45 Limitations 46 Suggestions for Future Study 47 REFERENCES 49 APPENDIX A PERMISSION LETTER 60 APPENDIX B CONSENT FORM 61 APPENDIX C INTERVIEW QUESTION PART I 62 APPENDIX D INTERVIEW QUESTION PART II 63 APPENDIX E CHINESE PERMISSION FORM 65 APPENDIX F CHINESE QUESTION PART I 66 APPENDIX G CHINESE QUESTION PART II 67

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