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研究生: 陳立馨
Li-Hsin Chen
論文名稱: 圖像組織法教學對於台灣七年級生英語故事重述之效益研究
The Effects of the Graphic Organizer Instruction on Taiwanese seventh graders' English Story Retelling
指導教授: 常紹如
Chang, Shau-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 圖像組織法教學故事重述
英文關鍵詞: graphic organizer instruction, oral story retelling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:26
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  • 本研究旨在探討使用「圖像組織法教學」對於國中七年級生英文故事重述能力之影響。實驗對象為台北市某公立國中七年級兩個班級共54名的學生。其中27名學生為實驗組,而另27名學生為對照組。研究時間約持續八個星期。教學前所有受試者皆接受全民英檢初級口試測驗以確認英文口語程度,然後才進行英語故事重述前測。在教學階段,實驗組接受為期四週的「圖像組織法教學」,而對照組則接受傳統的問與答的講述上課方式。在教學階段之後,兩組分別接受英語故事重述的後測。最後,實驗組的受試者填寫與「圖像組織法教學」內容相關的問卷以及接受訪談。
    (1) 圖像組織法教學雖無法增加重述故事之長度,但可減少重覆及重啟開頭語。
    (2) 圖像組織法教學與問與答教學法同樣能增進原始語速,但唯有圖像組織法能增加刪除重覆及重啟開頭語後的語速。
    (3) 圖像組織法能增進英文故事口語重述中故事成分所包含的數量以及內容。
    (4) 圖像組織法能提升英文故事口語重述的整體表現。
    (5) 多數實驗組受試者認為圖像組織法教學對於他們來說稍有難度,而最簡單的故事成分是「角色」,最困難的是「事件 」。所有實驗組受試者一致認為圖像組織法教學對於故事重述是有幫助的,他們並對圖像組織法採正向態度予以肯定。

    The present study aims to investigate the effects of the graphic organizer map instruction (the GO map instruction) on EFL seventh graders’ oral English story retelling. Participants were 54 seventh graders from two classes of students in a public junior high school in Taiwan. There were 27 participants in the experimental group (EG) and 27 in the control group (CG). The treatment lasted for 8 weeks. Prior to the instructions, all the participants first took the speaking test of the elementary GEPT to ascertain their oral English proficiency and then took the pretest. During the instructional phase, the participants in EG received a 4-week GO map instruction while those in the CG the traditional Q & A instruction. After the instructions, they took the posttest. Last, a questionnaire was administered to the participants in the EG. Some of the participants were interviewed to clarify their responses on the questionnaires.
    The findings of the study are summarized as follows:
    (1) Although the GO map instruction failed to increase the length of the retold stories effectively, it was effective in significantly reducing the number of false starts and repetitions.
    (2) Although both the GO map instruction and the traditional Q & A instruction significantly reduced the length of retelling time and improved the original speech rate, only the GO map instruction was effective in significantly facilitating the pruned speech rate.
    (3) The GO map instruction was effective in the inclusion of more story elements and in the enhancement of the story element content.
    (4) The GO map instruction was effective in elevating the holistic story retelling performances of the participants in the EG.
    (5) Most of the participants in the EG found the GO map instruction difficult and regarded “Character” as the easiest element and “Events” the hardest one for them to master. Additionally, all the participants considered the GO map instruction beneficial to the posttest story retelling and held a positive attitude toward it.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Purpose 1 1.2 Focus on Oral Retelling of Narratives via Graphic Organizer Instruction 3 1.3 Research Questions 4 1.4 Significance of the Study 5 1.5 Organization of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Retelling and Language Learning 7 2.1.1 Retelling as an instructional strategy for reading comprehension 8 2.1.2 Retelling as an assessment vehicle 9 2.2 Strategies on How to Improve Retelling 11 2.3 Graphic Organizers 13 2.3.1 Definition and variation of graphic organizers 13 2.3.2 Common formats of graphic organizers 15 2.3.3 Use of graphic organizers to improve reading comprehension 16 2.3.4 Use of graphic organizers to improve story retelling 19 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 21 3.1 Study Design 21 3.2 Participants 22 3.3 Procedure of the Study 23 3.4 Data Analysis 34 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 40 4.1 Effects of GO Map Instruction on Length of Participants’ Story Retelling 40 4.1.1 Results of the original word count 40 4.1.2 Results of the pruned word count 42 4.1.3 Results of comparison between original and pruned word count 43 4.1.4 Discussion of effects of GO map instruction on length 45 4.2 Effects of GO Map Instruction on Fluency of Story Retelling 45 4.2.1 Results of retelling time 46 4.2.2 Results of the original speech rate 47 4.2.3 Results of the pruned speech rate 48 4.2.4 Discussion of effects of GO map instruction on fluency 50 4.3 Effects of GO Map Instruction on Number and Content of Story Elements 51 4.3.1 Results of the story element count score 51 4.3.2 Results of the story element content score 52 4.3.3 Discussion of effects of GO map instruction on story elements 53 4.4 Effects of GO Map Instruction on Holistic Story Retelling Performances 54 4.4.2 Discussion of effects of GO map instruction on holistic story retelling performances 56 4.5 Participants’ Perceptions of the GO Map Instruction 57 4.5.1 Participants’ perceptions of difficulty level of GO map instruction 57 4.5.2 Participants’ perceptions of helpfulness of the GO map instruction 59 4.5.3 Participants’ additional opinions about GO map instruction 61 4.5.4 Discussion of perceptions of GO map instruction 61 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 64 5.1 Summary of the Study 64 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 66 5.3 Limitations of the Study 68 5.4 Suggestions for Future Studies 70 REFERENCES 73 APPENDICES 79 APPENDIX A Four Types of Graphic Organizers 79 APPENDIX B-1 Consent Form for the EG 80 APPENDIX B-2 Consent Form for the CG 81 APPENDIX C-1 GEPT初級口語能力測驗 82 APPENDIX C-2 GEPT初級口語能力測驗錄音稿 83 APPENDIX D 初級口說能力測驗分數說明 84 APPENDIX E-1 Retelling Story for the Pretest 85 APPENDIX E-2 Checklist for the Pretest Retelling Story 86 APPENDIX F Worksheets for the CG in Q & A sessions 1 to 4 87 APPENDIX G-1 Story 1 for the Story Introduction 91 APPENDIX G-2 Checklist for Story 1 in the Story Introduction 92 APPENDIX H-1 Story 2 for the Story Instruction 93 APPENDIX H-2 Checklist for Story 2 in the Story Instruction 94 APPENDIX I-1 Story 3 for the Story Instruction 95 APPENDIX I-2 Checklist for Story 3 in the Story Instruction 96 APPENDIX J-1 Story 4 for the Story Instruction 97 APPENDIX J-2 Checklist for Story 4 in the Story Instruction 98 APPENDIX K GO Map 99 APPENDIX L-1 Retelling Story for the Posttest 100 APPENDIX L-2 Checklist for the Posttest Story 101 APPENDIX M Posttest Questionnaire for the EG 102 APPENDIX N Retelling Analysis Grading Criteria Checklist 103 APPENDIX O Holistic Assessment for the Retelling Performances 104 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of the Study 23 Table 2 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Original Word Count 41 Table 3 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Pruned Word Count 43 Table 4 A T-test of Mean Ratio of False Starts and Repetitions 44 Table 5 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Length of Time 47 Table 6 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Original Speech Rate 48 Table 7 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Pruned Speech Rate 49 Table 8 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Story Element Count 52 Table 9 A T-test of Mean Scores on Story Element Content Score 53 Table 10 A T-test of Mean Scores on the Levels of the Holistic Evaluation 56 Table 11 Summary of Perceptions of the Difficulty Level 58 Table 12 Summary of Perceptions on the Easiest Story Element 58 Table 13 Summary of the Hardest Story Element 59 Table 14 Summary of Helpfulness of the GO Map Instruction 60

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