研究生: |
黃奕暉 Yi-Huei Huang |
論文名稱: |
在台國際學生社會自我效能與跨文化適應經驗之研究 The Social Self-Efficacy and Cross-Cultural adjustment Experiences of the International Students in Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Tien, Hsiu-Lan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 213 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國際學生 、社會自我效能 、跨文化適應經驗 、跨文化適應壓力 、混合研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | international students, social self-efficacy, cross-cultural adjustment experiences, acculturative stress, mixed method |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:500 下載:0 |
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本研究旨在探討國際學生於台灣環境中,其社會自我效能之展現,以及其跨文化適應經驗。採混合研究的方法(mixed method),以社會自我效能與跨文化適應經驗為兩項主要核心目標,於量化方面另加入自尊、自評中文程度、以及各種人口背景變項等,進行差異和相關的探討。至於質性部份,則聚焦於國際學生在台灣的語言文化脈絡中,人際互動、生活或求學之現狀與感受,以及其他各種跨文化適應經驗的述說,進而補充量化研究的結果。
The purpose of this study was to explore the international students’ social self-efficacy and their cross-cultural adjustment experiences in Taiwan. This research used mixed method, and regarded social self-efficacy in addition to the cross-cultural adjustment experiences as the two core objects in this study. Based on the above, given quantitative part, the researcher added other variables including global self-esteem, self-reported Mandarin proficiency, and all sorts of demographic backgrounds to that to investigate the correlation and differences among them. The qualitative analysis focused on the international students’ linguistic-cultural context in Taiwan within which their present situations and feelings about interpersonal interactions, life, studies and other cross-cultural adjustment experiences were used to complement the outcome of quantitative study.
The quantitative participants were 190 international students around Taiwan; six of them were also the participants of the interview. Instruments used in this quantitative study were “Scale of Perceived Social Self-Efficacy-in Mandarin language setting”, “Scale of Perceived Social Self-Efficacy-in mother tongue language setting”, “Acculturative Stress Scale for International Students”, “Unconditional Self-Regard Scale”, and “Demographic Questionnaire”, all of which were administrated in the original English version. As for qualitative study, the instrument was a semi-structural protocol for the in-depth interview. Data obtained in the quantitative investigation were analyzed by t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis-stepwise. The main findings are: (1) the international students’ social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting was lower than that in their mother tongue language setting. (2) The international students’ social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting had significant differences by their gender and mother tongue; also, it was significantly correlated with the self-reported importance of Mandarin when pursing their degree in Taiwan. International students’ acculturative stress varies with nationalities, ethnicities, and their goal of education in Taiwan. (3) The self-reported Mandarin proficiency, self-esteem, and Gender could predict the international students’ social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting. Self-esteem, ethnicity, the self-reported Mandarin proficiency, as well as the goal of education in Taiwan, but not social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting could predict their acculturative stress.
The interview data were processed by content analysis. The results showed that the international students in Taiwan’s language environment: (1) those whose mother tongues were Mandarin also need to adjust to the culture, different background having different levels of difficulties. (2) Their social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting/Taiwan might be higher than that in mother tongue setting/home country. (3) Students who were more confident with their Mandarin proficiency expressed higher social self-efficacy in Mandarin setting/Taiwan. (4) Mandarin proficiency or confidence was not the only factor that affected the social self-efficacy or interpersonal interaction. (5) It consumes lots of energy to study in Mandarin, students having their personal ways to adjust. (6) Bilingual communication, those who speak Mandarin more frequently results in better fluency.
In addition, the participants described their cross-cultural adjustment experiences including: (1) their level of acceptance of the living environment or lifestyle in Taiwan: getting used to it or not; (2) Feeling that Taiwanese were friendly and kind; (3) Perceiving that white people or foreigners had advantages or are treated better in Taiwan; (4) More or less some negative experiences; (5) Sensing the fear and rejection that Taiwanese had towards foreigners; (6) Feelings of homesickness under special circumstances; (7) Perceiving themselves as outsiders or foreigners in Taiwanese society; (8) The experience of “relationship”: different realizations in different kinds of relationship; (9) The heavy loading of schoolwork; (10) Dissatisfaction with the university’s administrations or departments; (11) Uncertain or altered career development after coming to Taiwan; and (12) Students had their own attitudes and power to exist in Taiwan.
Finally, the researcher integrated the results of the quantitative questionnaires and the qualitative interview to discuss the international students’ social self-efficacy and their cross-cultural adjustment experiences in Taiwan. According to the research process and the outcomes, implications and suggestions for counseling psychology associated practical workers, universities, and future research are proposed.
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