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研究生: 蘇峻緯
論文名稱: 設計與製作雷射干涉儀應用於精密運動控制系統
Design and Implementation of Laser Interferometry Applied in Precision Motion-Control System
指導教授: 陳美勇
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 干涉雷射干涉儀精密運動
英文關鍵詞: Interference, Laser interferometry, Precision motion
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:370下載:0
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  • 本研究之動機在設計與製作雷射干涉儀應用於精密運動控制系統,自行設計與組裝雷射干涉儀系統進行量測運動平台精密微位移,同時希望達到高穩定性、高準確性、高重複性、架構簡單與低價格的方式呈現出來,除此之外,我們使用CCD的方式擷取影像數據來做分析,不僅可以明確的校整整體系統進而提高準確度,同時還利用VB的程式軟體設計達到動態回授的分析與補償功能。

    This paper proposes a design and implementation of a laser interferometry apply in precision motion-control system, which design and assemble the going on amount of the laser interferometer system and examine the accurate little displacement of sport platform by myself. At the same time, I hope to reach high stability, high accuracy, high repetitiveness, simple structure and low cost. In addition, we use the CCD to fetch and analysis the image data, then the system improves accuracy. Still utilize procedure software design of VB to reach the analysis that is tickled dynamically and compensation function at the same time.
      The main contribution of this research, can be divided into two respects to prove. In using the surface actually, it is succeed in combining the concept of design of platform, displacement measurement, control theory in three major fields. With the simplest structure will have navigation systems of a long journey that will be set up. Finally, it can reach in accordance with following the goal moved in scale position of displacement meter, and make a reservation fast. On the control theory, tickle the principle of controlling with PID, the control procedure easy to realize. At the same time, tickle the principle of controlling with PID can be suitable for the system that the ultra precision require too.
      Our laser interferometer system, it is through the CCD to observe the change which interfere the figure to enhance the experimental alignment which is different from the general photodiode. In real-time aspect, we utilize the procedure of VB to prove immediately systematically. When we change picking the speed of CCD ceaselessly, procedure of VB that interface even can pick to upgrade immediately. In the last sinusoidal wave movement controlled, the interference of the miscellaneous news is very great, it is very difficult to reach the analysis that is tickled dynamically and compensation. We use the non-dynamic to examine, when the electric current has increased gradually, relative displacement will be heavier and heavier.

    目 錄 摘要...................................................Ⅰ ABSTRCAT...............................................Ⅱ 謝誌....................................................Ⅲ 目錄....................................................Ⅳ 圖目錄...................................................Ⅶ 表目錄...................................................Ⅹ 第一章 緒論...............................................1 1.1前言..................................................1 1.2文獻回顧...............................................4 1.3研究動機與目的..........................................7 1.4本論文之貢獻............................................8 1.5論文架構................................................9 第二章 理論基礎............................................10 2.1光學雷射基本原理........................................10 2.2光學干涉原理............................................13 2.3麥克森基礎原理..........................................16 2.4雷射干涉儀之量測原理.....................................21 第三章 系統組成設計與配置...................................25 3.1雷射干涉儀量測系統......................................25 3.1.1系統簡介與架設........................................25 3.1.2雷射干涉儀的系統誤差與修正..............................27 3.2實驗設計原理與分析......................................29 3.2.1數位影像處理及分析....................................29 3.2.2取樣理論原理及分析....................................34 3.3 受控系統分析..........................................40 3.3.1音圈馬達原理與分析....................................41 3.3.2撓性移動平台設計與分析.................................42 第四章 系統模型推導與控制器設計..............................53 4.1系統動態描述............................................53 4.2基本控制系統架構.........................................58 第五章 實驗結果與討論.......................................61 5.1實驗設備...............................................61 5.1.1定位平台.............................................61 5.1.2控制器介面...........................................63 5.1.3雷射干涉儀系統........................................66 5.2系統校整方法............................................67 5.3系統穩定性測試..........................................72 5.4即時系統驗證............................................73 5.5正弦波運動控制..........................................74 第六章 結論及未來展望.......................................78 參考文獻..................................................80

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