研究生: |
許維峰 |
論文名稱: |
相遇的時刻-一位國中輔導老師陪伴學生的敘事研究 Moment of Encounter: A Narrative Research of a Junior High School Guidance Teacher Accompanying His Students |
指導教授: | 李佩怡 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 231 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國中輔導老師 、師生關係 、相遇 、馬丁布伯 、陪伴 、敘事研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | junior high school guidance teacher, teacher-student relationship, encounter, Martin Buber, companionship, narrative research |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:413 下載:48 |
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Purpose of this research was to explore the contents of teacher-student relationship specifically in the encounter and non-encounter aspects in addition to the encounter significance within the context of education and how I encountered with students in the onsite educational environment. The narrative research method was adopted; other than my narration, purposive sampling was also applied, and this was accomplished through inviting five students for interviews. Moreover, the data were analyzed with holistic-content and category-content modes according to Lieblich et al. (1998). The findings of this research are as follow:
1. The contents of the teacher-student relationship within my encountering with the students were (1) teacher-student relationship could be characterized as friendship; (2) Relationship could be characterized as members of “second family” to each other; (3) Relationship could be characterized as interactive “mentor of life”; (4) Encounter could have happened at anywhere and any place.
2. The contents of the teacher-student relationship within my non-encounter with the students were (1) Essentially a top-down relationship; (2) Role model relationship.
3. The significance within the educational context derived the encounter would manifest as (1) The encounter enabled the teacher as the authentic being; (2) The encounter nourished the teacher and enabled the teacher with a sense of touching and new-found inner strength; (3) The encounter enabled the teacher’s mind surpassing the obligatory emotional works and entering into the emotional state of spontaneity; (4) The encounter enabled the teacher with the influential capability which would transform the student from internally to externally; (5) The encounter could provide student with a secure base and transform the social phenomenon of dysfunctional family; (6) The encounter could prevent students from being objectified; (7) The encounter could render students no longer suppressing themselves, under the embrace and guidance from the mentor of life, the students could grow up to be real persons within the context of relationship; (8) Only through encountering, could it be possible to have realistic companionship.
4. As for how I encountered with students, they primarily were (1) the “should-be” of the reflective role, communicated with students as a human being; (2) Let go of the images, slowed down on the intentions, directly dialogized with student via open attitude; (3) Established a safe trust so as to respond to students with reopened caring from true respects; (4) Laid down the unidirectional monologue, responded to students via proactive listening and feelings; (5) Placed trust to the basic human goodness, and injected the truthful selfness into the relationship; (6) Surpassed the focus on the external performance, encountered the inner world of the student via human authenticity; (7) Laid down the professionally knowledge-based myth, communicated and interacted with students via the whole being as a teacher; (8) Perceived the ethical myth and accepted the mutual nourishments through calm and peaceful attitude; (9) Laid down the bias of singular value and appreciated the student’s whole being via diverse perspectives; (10) Surpassed the superficial criticism and was considerate to the student needs via empathy; (11) Surpassed the focus on achievements and performances, supported students’ growth through the mindset of companionship.
Lastly, the researcher shall proceed to comprehensive discussions in addition to proposing research constraints and recommendations as well as reflections from the researchers.
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