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研究生: 李宜蓁
Yi-Chen Lee
論文名稱: 南非多肉植物 Anacampseros rufescens 在逆境下葉部花青素與葉綠素濃度與光合作用生理的關係
Possible Ecophysiological Role of Anthocyanin and Chlorophyll Concentrations in Leaves of the South African Succulent Anacampseros rufescens (Portulacaceae) under Stress
指導教授: 林登秋
Lin, Teng-Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 花青素缺水光保護作用葉綠素螢光
英文關鍵詞: anthocyanin, drought, photoprotection, chlorophyll concentration
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:14
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  • 花青素是一種水溶性黃酮類色素,廣泛分布在許多的植物組織而表現出紅或紫等顏色。花青素曾被認為是不具功能的次級代謝物,然而近年來的研究顯示,花青素可以影響植物反應及調適環境逆境的能力。本研究檢測葉花青素濃度與南非沙漠多肉植物Anacampseros rufescens (Harv.) Sweet調適逆境的關係。實驗處理為讓植物生長在高低光及有無缺水環境,透過實驗探討以下三個問題: 1、不 同光度如何影響A. rufescens上下表皮花青素的濃度。2、花青素在光保護作用中所扮演的角色。3、缺水如何影響A. rufescens葉中花青素的濃度與其光保護作用的潛力。

    Anthocyanins are water-soluble flavonoid pigments, often having a red or purple color, that occurs in many plant tissues. Although this pigment was originally considered a metabolic waste product, contemporary research has indicated that anthocyanins can significantly influence plant responses and adaptations to environmental stress. This study examined the relationship between leaf anthocyanin concentration and plant responses to environmental stress in the South African desert succulent Anacampseros rufescens (Harv.) Sweet. Plants were grown at high and low light levels under watered and drought treatments. Questions addressed by this study include: 1. How does light level during growth affect the anthocyanin and chlorophyll concentrations of the abaxial and adaxial halves of the leaves of A. rufescens? 2. What is the role of anthocyanin in photoprotection in the leaves of A. rufescens? 3. How does drought stress affect the anthocyanin and chlorophyll concentrations and potential photoprotection in the leaves A. rufescens?
    Anthocyanin concentrations positively correlated with light-adapted chlorophyll fluorescence in plants grown under high light. This, however, was not true for plants grown under low light. In the drought treatment, anthocyanin and chlorophyll concentrations in the high light and low light -treated plants were not affected by the drought treatment. In the low light treatment, however, Fv/Fm declined after drought, although the decline was small.
    In summary, the results of this study indicate that anthocyanin likely has a photoprotective function for plants under a high light environment. A specific role of anthocyanin in drought tolerance as reported by several studies was not supported by this study. The results of this study help to clarify a photoprotective role of anthocyanin in leaves of a desert succulent and provide ecophysiological insight into the ecology and biology of this South African desert species.

    Acknowledgement...........................................2 Table of Content..........................................3 摘要.......................................................5 Abstract..................................................6 Introduction..............................................8 Anthocyanin...............................................8 The functions of anthocyanins.............................9 Photoprotection..........................................11 1. Protection of the photosynthetic apparatus............12 2. Protection from ultraviolet radiation.................13 Drought resistance.......................................14 Objectives/Questions.....................................15 Materials and Methods....................................17 Plant Materials..........................................17 Chlorophyll fluorescence.................................18 Chlorophyll concentration................................19 Anthocyanin concentration................................20 Statistical analysis.....................................20 Results..................................................22 Pigment concentration....................................22 Correlation of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters with anthocyanin concentration (both light treatments combined)................................................26 Correlation of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters with anthocyanin concentrations (separate light treatments)..............................................28 Drought treatment........................................31 Discussion...............................................38 Pigment concentration....................................38 Light treatment-chlorophyll fluorescence correlation.....40 Drought treatment........................................41 Conclusions..............................................44 Reference................................................45

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