研究生: |
江姝嫺 Chiang, Shu-Hsien |
論文名稱: |
人工智慧面試透明度對應徵者印象管理的影響:以錄影面試為情境 The impact of artificial intelligence transparency on interviewees’ impression management in asynchronous video interviews |
指導教授: |
Suen, Hung-Yue |
口試委員: |
Chen, Chien-Cheng 陳怡靜 Chen, Yi-Ching 孫弘岳 Suen, Hung-Yue |
口試日期: | 2022/06/30 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 61 |
中文關鍵詞: | 人工智慧 、人機互動 、非同步錄影面試 、透明度 、印象管理 |
英文關鍵詞: | Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Asynchronous Video Interviews (AVIs), Transparency, Impression Management (IM) |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201303 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:297 下載:0 |
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有鑒於疫情的影響下,越來越多的企業在人才甄選的過程中使用具 備人工智慧的非同步錄影面試,為提升面試好感度與成功錄取工作的機 會,應徵者通常都會非常努力地運用印象管理技巧,以展現出最好的形 象,這些行為展現包括誠實性和欺騙性的印象管理策略。誠實性的 IM 將 可能提高甄選的效度,但欺騙性的 IM 可能會降低選才效度,甚至僱用 到不對的人選。
本研究透過邀請年齡範圍在 18-60 歲之間,且具有實際全職或兼職 需求的 73 位應徵者參加非同步錄影面試,其中的 32 位透過具備透明度 的 AI 介面下進行錄影面試,另外的 41 位則透過不具備透明度的 AI 介 面下進行錄影面試;當面試完成後,所邀請的 73 位應徵者皆要求其再完 成印象管理量表問卷。
本研究計畫透過實驗設計,來了解應徵者對於在參與具備透明度的 AI 介面相對於沒有透明度的 AI 介面,在錄影面試的情境中之行為展現; 根據研究結果顯示,應徵者對於在參與具備透明度的 AI 介面相對於沒 有透明度的 AI 介面,在錄影面試的情境中,會降低應徵者誠實性自我 推銷與自我辯護之印象管理行為;且會提升避重就輕等欺騙的印象管理, 對於誇大不實則無有統計顯著的影響。
In view of the impact of the epidemic, more and more companies are using Asynchronous Video Interviews (AVIs) with artificial intelligence (AI) in the talent selection process. The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of candidates who actually use asynchronous video interviews. Whether the AI interface will affect the display of the applicant's impression management behavior.
In this study, 73 applicants with actual full-time or part-time needs, aged between 18-60, were invited to participate in asynchronous video interviews. Among them, 32 were video-recorded through a transparent AI interface, and the other 41 were interviewed with non-transparent AI interface; when the interviews were completed, the 73 invited candidates were asked to complete the Impression Management Scale questionnaire.
This research plan uses an experimental design to understand the behavior of candidates participating in an AI interface with transparency versus an AI interface without transparency in the context of video interviews; Compared with the non-transparent AI interface, in the context of video interviews, the applicant's impression management behavior of Self- promotion and Self-defense will be reduced; and it will improve the impression management of Image protection, and it will not be effective for Extensive image creation.
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