研究生: |
許大偉 Ta-Wei Hsu |
論文名稱: |
不同的垂直跳測驗方法之生物力學分析 The analysis of vertical jump by different biomechanical approaches |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Chien-Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 85 |
中文關鍵詞: | 垂直跳 、跳高測驗 、運動學 、動力學 、國小學童 |
英文關鍵詞: | vertical jump, high jump test, kinematics, kinetics, school children |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1059 下載:57 |
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目的:探討國小學童之「高表現組」與「一般表現組」的垂直跳高實驗中之運動學與動力學參數是否有差異,並探究影響垂直跳高表現之因素為何。方法:本研究以16名國小5年級男童為研究對象,並分為「高表現組」與「一般表現組」二組各8名,以Vicon Motion Capture System MX-13+高速數位影像擷取攝影機(250Hz)、一部Kistler 三維測力板(1250Hz)及觸摸垂直跳高測量板,擷取垂直跳高動作過程中的運動學及動力學參數。將所得結果採用無母數統計方法之曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann - Whitney U test)來檢測兩組所得的各項參數間是否有差異,並以Pearson積差相關分析相關性及各測驗方法相關矩陣,統計顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、在運動學部分:「高表現組」與「一般表現組」之垂直跳高重心增加高度、騰空期重心高度變化量、起跳瞬間垂直速度、起跳前重心最大速度、膝與肩關節的最小角度、髖及肩關節角度最大變化量有顯著差異(p<.05)。二、動力學部分:「高表現組」與「一般表現組」之最大垂直反作用力與衝量皆有顯著差異(p<.05)。三、測量學部分:不同方式的垂直跳高測驗皆有顯著高度相關(p<.05)。
Objective: The purposes of this study were to compare the biomechanical variables of vertical jump by different analysis methods between the high-performance and general- performance school children.
Methodology: This study employed 16 of the fifth grades as research subjects. The children were divided into two groups with 8 members each in the categories of “high performance” and “general performance”. Ten Vicon Motion Capture system high speed digital cameras (250Hz), one Kistler force platform (1250Hz) and vertical high jump measurement board were used to collect the kinematics and dynamics data during the vertical jump movements. The Mann-Whitney U Test of nonparametric statistical to test was used the differences between the two groups. The Pearson's product-moment correlation method was used to analyze the correlation among the different analysis approaches. The statistical significance level was set at α=.05.
Findings: 1. There were significant differences observed (p<.05) for items like: the increasing height for center of gravity during vertical high jump, the amount of the vertical displacement of the center of gravity in midair, the initial velocity at the start of the jump, the maximum velocity of the center of gravity at the start of jump, the minimum joint angles for both the knee and shoulder respectively, the maximum displacement for the joint angles at hip and shoulder respectively. 2. There were significant differences observed (p<.05) for the maximum vertical ground reaction force and the impulse between “high performance” and “general performance”. 3. There were significant correlations among the all different biomechanical analysis approaches when the children performed the vertical jump movement.
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