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研究生: 蘇霈芯
Su, Pei-Sin
論文名稱: 以LINE推播保健品之介面設計探討高齡者線上購物行為
Discussion on the online shopping behavior of the elderly based on the interface design of LINE's promotion of health food
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
口試委員: 梁又文
Liang, Yo-Wen
Wang, Chien-Jui
Liang, Kuei-Chia
口試日期: 2023/07/04
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: LINE推播介面設計高齡者行為線上購物
英文關鍵詞: LINE promotion, interface design, behavior of the elderly, online shopping
研究方法: 問卷調查法實際觀察法放聲思考法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301184
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:304下載:51
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  • 高齡者在生心理上面臨較多的困難,使得日常生活容易受到限制,而可以送貨到指定地點的線上購物能夠減輕行動上的困境,這對高齡者而言是有需求的。然而,高齡者因為缺乏數位科技的背景和技能,而對線上購物介面感到擔憂。因此,設計一個高齡者友善的線上購物介面,對於人口越發老化的社會而言是值得關注的議題。目前LINE是市占率最高的通訊軟體,再加上多數使用智慧型手機的高齡者也有使用LINE的習慣,因此若以高齡者較為熟識的App進行設計,除了開發成本較低,也能增加高齡者的熟悉感、並降低其對新事物的排斥性,未來也將具備更多延伸的可能性。

    The elderly face to more difficulties in physiology and psychology, which makes their daily life easily restricted. Moreover, online shopping that can be delivered to a designated location can alleviate the plight of mobility, which is in demand for the elderly. However, the lack of background and skills in digital technology makes the elderly worry. Therefore, designing an elderly-friendly online shopping interface is an issue worthy of attention in a society with an aging population. Currently, LINE is the most dominant messaging application in terms of market share. Most elderly people who use smartphones also have the habit of using LINE. Therefore, designing an APP that is familiar to the elderly will not only lower the development cost, but also increase the familiarity of the elderly and reduce their rejection of new things.
    The research method is divided into three stages. The first stage uses 43 questionnaires to understand the shopping experience and troubles of the elderly. In the second stage, according to the feedback from these questionnaires, a prototype based on the LINE interface was designed, and 21 elderly people were invited to operate the prototype, and the behavior and thinking process of the elderly were understood through actual observation and thinking out loud, and then using System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score, discussing the overall evaluation of the elderly on the use of the prototype. The result proves that the online shopping interface based on LINE promotion is familiar and convenient for the elderly. In addition, according to the online shopping behavior of the elderly, the following suggestions are put forward regarding the needs of the elderly: (1) More information about health food to assist them in making informed decisions about their needs; (2) Clear and Obvious feedback prompts; (3) User-Friendly Store and Location Settings; (4) Intuitive Order Tracking and Proactive Delivery Notifications.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的與目標 3 1.3研究範圍 4 1.4研究限制 4 1.5研究架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1高齡者介面相關研究 7 2.2高齡族群特色 11 2.2.1高齡者生理特性 12 2.2.2高齡者心理特性與學習新事物之排斥性 13 2.3高齡者購物流程與管道 14 2.3.1購物流程 14 2.3.2購物流程之轉變 17 2.3.3非實體購物管道 20 2.3.4高齡者非實體購物決策與行為 24 2.4介面設計 27 2.4.1介面設計原則 27 2.4.2使用者之網站閱讀習慣 30 2.4.3介面設計原則之於高齡者 32 第三章 研究方法與實驗 35 3.1非實體購物管道統整 37 3.2前測問卷調查 46 3.2.1實體與非實體購物的習慣與困擾 49 3.2.2使用LINE的習慣與感興趣之內容 55 3.2.3研究對象感興趣之主題 58 3.3前測小結 61 3.4初步設計發想 62 3.4.1現有LINE功能架構分析 63 3.4.2高齡者友善之LINE聊天室購物功能架構與線框稿設計 67 3.5初步設計使用調查 82 3.5.1實際觀察法與放聲思考法 84 3.5.2 SUS易用性評分測驗 97 3.5.3 NPS淨推薦值 98 3.6研究設計結論 100 第四章 創作設計 104 4.1主功能介面設計 104 4.2購物流程介面設計 106 4.2.1需求認知介面 107 4.2.2蒐集資料與購買前評估介面 111 4.2.3加入購物車與購買介面 119 4.2.4購買後評估介面 126 4.3創作成果 132 第五章 結論與討論 135 5.1研究結論 135 5.2研究建議 138 5.2.1高齡者線上購物行為與LINE線上購物介面建議 138 5.2.2後續研究建議 140 第六章、參考文獻 142 附錄 156

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