研究生: |
陳孟婷 |
論文名稱: |
我國大學校務自我評鑑機制實施現況研究 A Study of the Current Situation of the Institutional Self-evaluation Mechanism for Universities in Taiwan |
指導教授: | 王如哲 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育政策與行政研究所 Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 326 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高等教育 、自我評鑑 、校務評鑑 、大學評鑑 |
英文關鍵詞: | higher education, self-evaluation, institutional evaluation, higher education evaluation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:624 下載:39 |
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本研究旨在探討我國大學校務自我評鑑機制之實施現況、實施困境及解決策略,並根據研究結果提出建議供高等教育評鑑機構及大學院校建立校務自我評鑑機制之參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文件分析法及問卷調查法。文件分析部分整理100學年度財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會39份評鑑報告書;問卷調查法部分以國內40 所大學校院行政主管為研究對象,共寄發問卷 400 份,回收有效問卷 212 份,有效回收率為 53%,將所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、卡方(適合度考驗)法、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究綜合文獻探討與研究結果,獲得以下結論:
一、 我國大學校務自我評鑑機制可分為設計機制、組織機制、執行機制及考核機制,不斷循環成為一動態循環圈。
二、 國外大學辦理校務自我評鑑符合認可制中主動自發的精神,自我評鑑機制完整且結果公開,值得我國大學參考借鏡。
三、 我國大學均已建立自我評鑑機制,然而在落實上仍有待加強。
四、 我國大學辦理自我評鑑的動機由「被動因應」漸趨「主動積極」。
五、 100學年度「財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會」校務評鑑指出我國大學辦理大學評鑑最常見的缺失在於考核機制未落實。
六、 整體而言,我國大學主管認為辦理校務自我評鑑並未遭遇困境,而部分大學主管認為自我評鑑之實施困境主要來自執行機制層面。
七、 校務評鑑結果與大學主管的認知不盡相同,可能因內外部人員觀點不同導致。
八、 大學主管普遍認為辦理校務自我評鑑宜採取的策略有「診斷學校需求,設計適合的自我評鑑機制」、「聘任具有評鑑專業知能的評鑑委員」、「培養自我評鑑委員的評鑑知能」「編列辦理評鑑所需的經費及必要資源」、「擬訂具體的改善計畫及策略」及「建立持續追蹤評鑑結果改善情形機制」。
This purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of the “Institutional self-study mechanism for universities in Taiwan.” In the study, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire datas, documents and papers to make suggestions to the evaluation facilities and universities in Taiwan. To achieve the above-mentioned research purposes, this study used quantitative data from questionnaire survey, and also documents and reports from the institution evaluation executed by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditataion Council of Taiwan in the year of 2011. The 400 subjects were selected from universities accepted institutional evaluations by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditataion Council of Taiwan in the year of 2011. Executives of 40 universities and colleges in Taiwan, and 212 effective questionnaires were collected. With regard to the data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way, chi-square, ANOVA were used.
According to the findings of the study, conclusions are synthesized as follows:
1. The institutional self-evaluation mechanism includes design mechanism, institution mechanism, execuation mechanism, and accessment mechanism.
2. The universities in USA are highly active in self-study, and the results are open to the public.
3. The institutional self-evaluation mechanisms are established in Taiwan universities, but the results are not satisfactory.
4. The motivations of the self-evaluation has turned from pessive to positive.
5. The weakness of the institutional self-evaluation mechanism, referred by HEEAC, is the lack of accessment mechanism.
6. Overall, the executives in Taiwan don’t agree that they face difficulties when operating an institutional self-evaluation, but some executives agree that most difficulties come from the executaion mechanism.
7. The results of HEEACT’s institutional evaluation and the point of views of executives have not been coherent.
8. The executives in universities think that the strategies for institutional self-evaluation operation are “diagnose the need of school in order to design a practical self-evaluation mechanism,” “hire committee members of professional evaluation knowledge and skills,” “to cultivate the evaluation knowledge and skills of committee members,” “provide sufficient money and sources,” “make specific improvement plans and strategies,” “establish ongoing meta-evaluation systems.”
Based on the research findings, several suggestions are offered for the evaluation facilities and universities in Taiwan and further researcheres.
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