簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張佳鈴
Chia-Ling Chang
論文名稱: 台灣常見昆蟲之成蟲單眼與其習性的關係之研究
Studies on the Relationship between the Adult Ocelli and Life-Style of Common Insects in Taiwan
指導教授: 林金盾
Lin, Jin-Tun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 複眼單眼眼距晝行性昆蟲夜行性昆蟲活動習性
英文關鍵詞: Compound eyes, Ocelli, Eye-pitch, Diurnal insects, Nocturnal insects, Life-style
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:19
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  • 昆蟲成蟲的視覺器官雖然都具複眼,但不一定具單眼,而具有單眼的個體,單眼的位置、數量、大小及排列方式,又有很大的差異。昆蟲因生活方式不同,有陸生或水生、晝行性或夜行性、善飛或善走等差異。單眼的結構特質與其生活方式是否有關?成為本研究的目的。台灣的昆蟲種類繁多,本研究針對成蟲出現的旺季(4~10月)採集昆蟲,再依照種類、棲息地、習性,分別利用顯微照相技術記錄複眼的眼距、頭寬,單眼的眼距和形狀、大小及分布而歸類比較之。結果顯示成蟲多有複眼且皆為二個,而單眼的數目成多樣性,有零個、二個和三個。具有二個單眼的晝行性昆蟲,單眼的眼距較短,共採集三目二十一種, RL/CRCL的平均比值為0.60 ± 0.19,而在夜行性昆蟲中,單眼眼距較長,共採集七目二十四種,平均比值為0.96 ± 0.11,兩群昆蟲之間具顯著性差異。具三個單眼的昆蟲中,晝行性者的單眼皆位於同一水平面上,眼距較短而且角膜晶體都朝上,但是夜行性的個體,單眼多數不位於同一水平面上,眼距較寬而且左右單眼的角膜晶體分別朝向左右方,中單眼則朝向前方或下方。晝行性昆蟲的單眼角膜晶體全為圓突狀構造,而夜行性昆蟲多為平板狀。整體而言,昆蟲成蟲期的單眼構造和分布位置與其生活習性頗具關聯性。

    Although compound eyes are main visual organs for most insects,ocelli are not the same for all of the insects. The positions, quantities, sizes and arrangement of ocelli in each kind of insect are different from each other. According to life-style, insects could be classified into many types, for example, land-insect, aqua-insect, diurnal insect, nocturnal insect, flying-insect or walking-insect etc. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between ocellar features and life-styles. There are a variety of insects living in Taiwan. The insect sampling time is during the seasons of insect’s prosperous activity, from April to October in Taiwan. After collecting, all samples are recorded by photography under microscope and measured for data, for example, pitch between compound eyes, width of head, pitch between ocelli, and the shape, sizes, arrangement of ocelli. The results evidence that most adult-insects possess a pair of compound eyes and various ocelli, some insects having no ocelli, some having a pair of ocelli and some having three ocelli. The pitch between ocelli is shorter for most diurnal insects with a pair of ocelli. Among 3 orders and 21 species, the average value of RL/CRCL is 0.60±0.19. As for most nocturnal insects, the distance between ocelli is longer. The average value of RL/CRCL is 0.96±0.11 among 7 orders and 24 species. There is a significant difference between two groups. For all diurnal insects with three ocelli, all ocelli are on the same plane, pitches are shorter and lenses are upwards. As for most noctural insects with three ocelli, all ocelli are not on the same plane, pitches are longer and lens of bilateral ocelli are sideward and lens of middle ocellus is forwards or downwards. All of the corneal lens of diurnal insects are cone-shaped, whereas the lens of the nocturnal insects are plate-form. In conclusion, this study showed that the positions, lens morphology and arrangement of ocelli in adult insects are related to their life-style in Taiwan.

    縮寫表.............................1 中文摘要............................3 英文摘要............................4 壹、前言.........................5 貳、材料與方法......................8 一、採集與標本製.....................8 二、鑑定.........................9 三、複眼與單眼的觀察與測量................9 四、昆蟲的處理......................10 五、數據整理與歸檔....................10 參、結果.........................11 個論...........................11 綜論...........................38 肆、討論.........................42 伍、結論.........................46 陸、謝辭.........................47 柒、參考文獻.......................48 捌、圖表與說明......................50

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