研究生: |
黃書晴 Huang, Shu-Ching |
論文名稱: |
國中補校英文科差異化教學實踐之個案研究 A Case Study on Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English to Supplementary Education Students |
指導教授: |
Tang, Ren-Yen |
口試委員: |
Li, Jiun-Hu 張民杰 Jang, Min-Jie 湯仁燕 Tang, Ren-Yen |
口試日期: | 2022/07/28 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
課程與教學研究所 Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 112 |
中文關鍵詞: | 差異化教學 、補校 、英文教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Differentiated Instruction, Supplementary education school, English instruction |
研究方法: | 個案研究法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205200 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:397 下載:0 |
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of implementing differentiated instruction in the English curriculum of a supplementary education school. The study includes the planning, implementation process, the effectiveness analysis of the English differential instruction in the supplementary education school, and the researcher’s reflection of in the process.
A case study method is used in this study, and research subjects are ten first-grade students in the supplementary education school where the researcher taught. Semi-structured interviews, teacher journals and classroom observation records, document analysis, and learning style questionnaires are the main data collection methods. The researcher designed a two-stage differentiated teaching program with English self-introduction, career-related English, and English prepositions and usage as the main teaching materials. The results of this study are as follows:
1. The individual differences and learning needs of the supplementary education school adult learners should be carefully assessed, especially the differences in cultural backgrounds.
2. The individualized learning tasks are suitable for adult learners to present their learning outcomes.
3. English differentiation instruction effectively improves adult learners' confidence in learning English and basic English skills.
4. Teachers should think and design their courses from the point of the "students", not teachers.
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