研究生: |
吳亭樺 Wu, Ting-Hua |
論文名稱: |
以政策行銷角度探討社群媒體議題設定與保安林森林價值傾向關係之研究 Study of the relation between the agenda setting in terms of policy marketing on social media and the forest value orientation of protection forest |
指導教授: |
Li, Ching |
口試委員: | 鄭稼棋 夏秉楓 |
口試日期: | 2021/01/28 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 92 |
中文關鍵詞: | 政策行銷 、議題設定 、森林價值傾向 、保安林 |
英文關鍵詞: | Policy marketing, Agenda setting, Protection forest, forest value orientation |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100647 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:277 下載:0 |
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由於過去法令限制,民眾對保安林較陌生。為了推廣保安林及順應web 2.0趨勢,林務局選擇在Facebook等社群媒體進行有關保安林相關議題設定的宣傳。本研究主要目的為在政策行銷角度之下,大眾對社群媒體上保安林議題設定與森林價值之間的關係。本研究於2020年10月4日至2020年10月18日以羅東林區管理處管轄的臺北市、新北市、基隆市、宜蘭縣保安林地18(含)歲以上民眾為調查對象並進行調查,總計回收有效樣本為381份。結果發現: 一、在保安林的議題設定,大眾對保安林的議題是感興趣,但實際上未參與保安林活動的人達9成,達8成的人不知道自己現居地是否有保安林;議題設定的管道上,相較網路管道,以電視新聞最多。二、森林價值傾向的五個構面中,大眾最為贊成的是生態價值傾向。三、政策行銷的「合法權威性」、「成本」與森林價值中的「生態價值傾向」、「精神價值傾向」、「文化價值傾向」之間的關係為高度相關;「政策分析」與「人力」與「實用價值傾向」之間的關係為高度相關。本研究結論分為三點:一、大眾對保安林的議題感到支持,但較無付出實際行動參加保安林活動。二、現今大眾認為森林是多元價值的,再也不以人為本。三、維持森林的生態價值,主要倚靠法律規定及花費成本;保安林林下經濟議題對森林所產生的實質利益相互關聯,也與投入人力相關。本研究建議中,實務建議分為三點:一、多與地方政府或者NGO團體合作推廣保安林相關活動。二、提高大眾對於守護保安林的自發性。三、針對傾倒廢棄物在保安林,可加重罰則。研究建議分為三點:一、調查認養或推動保安林持續一段時間的當地社區對於保安林議題的態度,與對於森林價值的看法。二、對非官方議題傳播管道進行議題推廣策略分析(例如關鍵字等)三、可針對兒童族群做為調查。
The purpose of this study of this study was to discuss the relation between the agenda setting in terms of policy marketing on social media and the forest value orientation of protection. In this study, the subjects were from the citizens over 18 years old in the area administered by Luodong Forest District Office. 381 responses were valid. The results showed that:1. Most people are interested in protection forest, but 94.2% of people never join activities. 84.1% of people don’t know if there is a protection forest in their current residence. Also, TV news is the most popular channel. 2.Most people agreed to Ecological value. 3. Legal authority and cost in policy marketing have high correlation among ecology value, spirit value, and culture value. Policy anylisis and personnel have high correlation with utilitarian value. The conclusions are devided into three points:1. Most people support the issues of protection forest, but they didn’t put it into practice. 2. Most people argued that forest has multi-value. 3. Maintaining the ecology value depends on regulations and cost. The issues of Under-forest Economy have correlation with utilitarian value. Spending time to promote the knowledge of the protection forest, organize and put personell into related activities can have an impact on forest value. The suggestions devided into practical suggestions and reaserch suggestions:1.Promote the activities. 2.Citizens should preserve protection forest. 3. Dumping of wastes could severe more penalties.4. Disscuss the community which is popularlized protection forest.5. Analyze the promotion strategy of non-official topic channel.
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