研究生: |
謝智和 Hsieh, Chih-He |
論文名稱: |
轉換型領導與激勵制度對組織承諾影響之研究 ─以工作熱情為中介變項 The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Incentive System on Organizational Commitment – Passion at work as the Mediator |
指導教授: |
Yu, Chien 于俊傑 Yu, Chin-Cheh |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 177 |
中文關鍵詞: | 轉換型領導 、激勵制度 、工作熱情 、組織承諾 、理財專員 |
英文關鍵詞: | transformational leadership, incentive system, passion at work, organizational commitment, financial consultants |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:369 下載:0 |
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研究結果發現:(1)轉換型領導對工作熱情具有正向影響,(2) 激勵制度對於工作熱情具有正向影響,(3) 工作熱情對於組織承諾具有正向影響,(4) 工作熱情對轉換型領導影響組織承諾具有部分中介效果,(5) 工作熱情對激勵制度影響組織承諾具有部分中介效果,(6) 轉換型領導對於組織承諾具有正向影響,(7) 激勵制度對於組織承諾具具有部分中介效果。而本研究的結果,期望能提供銀行業用以讓員工工作熱情提升,使員工願意持續為銀行付出,並對銀行產生更高之承諾,產生留任意願降低離職率,為理財專員、客戶及銀行創造三贏局面。
Financial services is one of the primary fundamental industries in our national economic structure. In recent years, banks, the main actor of financial service industry, have transformed into a charge-based income wealth management due to the significant reduction of profits caused by the low interest rate environment in deposit loans. Thus, wealth management is considered being the most important market for banks and the department of wealth management is widely launched in order to provide customers more diverse financial products and services. Financial consultants play the most important role of productivity in wealth management, and hence, the quality and profession of a financial consultant have a direct impact on bank’s operation performance. However, financial consultants are confronted with the pressures from, such as, investment environment, performance, the style of leadership and working environment where the pressures usually reduce the passion at work and lead to performance recession and high turnover rate. Therefore, having positive energy and passion at work have become the strong motivations for financial consultants to retain positions and further achieve the objectives of performance.
This research investigates the impact of transformational leadership and incentive system on organizational commitment mediated by passion at work using hierarchical regression, and is conducted based on questionnaires which are collected from E-mail, parcel and human forces, and made 328 effective samples from a sample of 843 financial consultants in a domestic「Bank A」.
The findings reveals that (1) transformational leadership has a positive effect on passion at work, (2) incentive system has a positive effect on passion at work, (3) incentive system has a positive effect on organizational commitment, (4) transformational leadership and organizational commitment are partially mediated by passion at work, (5) incentive system and organizational commitment are partially mediated by passion at work, (6) transformational leadership has a positive effect on organizational commitment, (7) incentive system and organizational commitment are partially mediated by passion at work. The result shows that by cultivating employee’s passion at work, the willingness of devotion to work will be strengthened and make the dimission rate be lessened. As a result, this virtuous circle creates a win-win-win situation for financial consultants, customers, and banks.
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