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研究生: 朱汧穎
Chu Chan-Ying
論文名稱: 中國動畫電影商業模式分析
Analysis on Business Models for Chinese Animation Industry
指導教授: 伊彬
I, Bin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 中國動畫商業模式獲利模式商業模式圖動畫電影
英文關鍵詞: Chinese animation, business model, profit model, business model canvas, animation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:403下載:46
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  • 本研究探討中國動畫電影商業模式,目的在於為動畫電影製作尋求獲利及建立可複製的商業模式。期望動畫電影製作公司能透過商業模式達到獲利目標,一方面滿足觀眾娛樂需求的期待,同時經營動畫電影的品牌價值、擴大相關收益,成為可長期經營的動畫公司。

    This research tries to establish a reproducible business model base on existing animation business model in China. Results are expected to provide guidelines for new animation companies to gain profits, audience satisfaction, and brand values then become a long-existing company.

    This research compares current animation market in China base on mature companies in US and their business models. Research methods include interviews with managers in Taiwan and China and data analysis with references, interview content and second-ordered materials.

    Results have two folds.
    First, a business model suits Chinese animation. With proper resource limitation to simulate situations that an animation maker would face in real world, researcher discusses different strategies are applied in discovery and execution stage.
    1. Discovery stage: After the story idea has been decided, the proposed business plan would have a better overall picture. Then story idea developed into a story line, this phase is to validate the result of discovery stage. If the story line needs to be modified, story idea is reviewed again and business plan is also modified accordingly.
    2. Execution stage: This is a stage to develop all aspects in a project. The business plan is also validated in execution stage. All preparation would be done for later animation public announcement and sales. Business plan is established with different media. Copyrights and authorization are mostly done in this stage.
    Second, this research provides short-term, mid-term, long-term suggestions for animation market.
    1. Short-term: (1) The industry should learn from Disney business model and target for family audience in order to have profit. (2) Build new branded products base on animation characters to develop children market.
    2. Mid-term: (1) Find a proper business model to have a long-existence company (2) Establish great brand image for animation industry (3) Attracting professionals for producing stable volume and quality animations (4) Have more collaboration with different industries
    3. Long-term: To ensure the development of animation industry,(1) Integration resource vertically and horizontally in industry(2) Promote authorized products to global market

    For managers and investors who have interests to join the animation industry, two suggestions for them when plotting business strategies.
    1. Build a valid business model to manage uncertainty
    2. Base on “Assumption-trial-modification” flow, ensure business goal does not deviate from general audience and reduce production risks.

    This research to help managers and investors to understand possible business models for animation company in China and further improve profit and reduce risk. For people entering animation industry, this research provides an overall picture of management and production.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iv 目錄 vi 表目錄 ix 圖目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與問題 3 1.3 研究範圍 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 商業模式 6 2.2 商業模式圖 7 2.2.1 目標客層(Customer segment) 8 2.2.2 價值主張(Value propositions) 10 2.2.3 產品通路(Channels) 12 2.2.4 顧客關係(Customer relationships)16 2.2.5 營收來源(Revenue streams) 18 2.2.6 關鍵活動(Key activity)21 2.2.7 關鍵資源(Key resources)24 2.2.8 關鍵夥伴(Key partnerships) 27 2.2.9 成本結構(Cost structure)29 2.3 可複製的商業模式 32 2.3.1 驗證商業模式流程 32 2.3.2 架構動畫電影產業價值鏈 38 2.4 中國動畫電影發展概況 40 2.5 文獻小結 46 第三章 研究方法 49 3.1 研究架構 49 3.2 次級資料分析 51 3.3 深度訪談 52 3.4 訪談對象 52 3.5 訪談大綱 53 3.6 訪談流程 54 3.7 資料分析與處理 55 第四章 研究結果與討論 57 4.1 中國商業動畫電影的商業模式 57 4.1.1 目標客層(Customer segment) 57 4.1.2 價值主張(Value propositions)60 4.1.3 產品通路(Channels) 63 4.1.4 顧客關係(Customer relationships)67 4.1.5 營收來源(Revenue streams) 70 4.1.6 關鍵活動(Key activity)73 4.1.7 關鍵資源(Key resources) 82 4.1.8 關鍵夥伴(Key partnerships) 92 4.1.9 成本結構(Cost structure) 97 4.2 中國商業動畫電影獲利的難題 101 4.2.1 中國動畫產業扶植政策的影響 101 4.2.2 專業人才的整合與培植 105 4.2.3 盜版是否存在 109 4.2.4 動畫電影品牌的經營 112 4.3 綜合討論 117 4.3.1 中國動畫電影現況 117 4.3.2 中國動畫電影獲利關鍵 119 第五章 結論與建議 121 5.1 結論 121 5.1.1 中國動畫電影商業模式 122 5.1.2 動畫電影發展建議 124 5.2 研究限制 125 5.3 研究貢獻 125 5.4 未來研究建議 126 參考文獻 127

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