研究生: |
黃松本 Sung-Pen Huang |
論文名稱: |
台北市立國民中小學校特殊教育經費運用績效之研究 |
指導教授: |
Gai, Che-Sheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 131 |
中文關鍵詞: | 特殊教育 、教育經費 、績效 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:368 下載:9 |
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(一) 校園無障礙設施經費,應由各校視實際需求編列在年度預算中。
(二) 各校經費編列應以設置障礙班類別、學生人數、障礙程度訂定經費編列標準公式,以達經費運用績效。
(三) 充實特教資源中心經費,設置特教專業人員,協助教學與輔導。落實教學評鑑,有效監督經費運用。
(一) 經費運用開誠佈公,避免誤解和疑慮並增設專用電腦教室加強學生技能訓練。
(二) 身障班學生上課,儘量方便師生上課,考試評量特別設計,減少學生學習挫折。
(一) 尊重教師教學專業,協助結合社會或社區資源,共同參與學生教學與輔導活動。
(二) 自動提早通報子女障礙情形,供學校早期介入,改善學生障礙。
(一) 本研究理論基礎著重特教經費來源及運用概況,相關研究工具尚未建立,對經費運用之效能、效率、信度,有待再進一步研究。
(二) 本研究範圍調查問卷取樣及深度訪談對象,僅作台北市國中、小學校身障班未普及全面性學校、社區、社會人士觀點或意見,進行評析,提供更具體研究結果,有待更進一步研究。
This research aims to discuss about the using of the funds to the disability classes whether are efficiency in elementary and junior high schools since the "Special Education Regulations and Clauses" has been established from 1997.
The main points are:
1. Are the schools satisfied and efficient to the arrangement of the yearly funds and the supplied teaching resources?
2. Are the teachers of the disability classes satisfied and efficient to the arrangement of the yearly funds and the supplied teaching resources?
3. Are the parents satisfied with the learning environment that is provided by the schools?
This research is based on the interviews and the questionnaires of which objects are mainly the administrative staffs of the schools that had accepted special education yearly funds (July, 99' ~ December 20') above NT$ 3,500,000. The aforesaid objects are included 80 Principles, 114 Chiefs of Counselling Centres, 68 Chiefs of Accounting, 122 Unit Leaders of Special Education, 512 Special Education Teachers, and 499 Students' Parents. And the questionnaires are set up by the random method. All the related results are analysed and statistics by the percent scale, and the card examination. Meanwhile, the deeply interviews on the scholiasts, the leaders, and the enthusiastic workers of Special Education are held for information collection.
According to the final results, the main discoveries are as follows:
1. The Principles, the Chiefs, and the Unit Leaders are mostly satisfied and feel efficient to the arrangement of the yearly funds and the supplied teaching resources.
2. About the Funds:
A. The ordinary administrative staffs have a higher satisfaction level than
the Chiefs of Accounting and the Unit Leaders on the topic of the using
of the funds arrangement on the facilities maintains and the numbers of
the special education classes.
B. The administrative staffs in the Education Bureau, and the schools, and
the parents feel not satisfied and inconvenient to the non-obstacle
environment in the schools.
C. Most of the administrative staffs rather have the observation attitude and
disagreement on the topic of the funds are accounted by formulas which
are given up by the government, and they hope the related bureaus can
make more and further researches on this topic.
3. Most of the Special Education Teachers rather have the observation attitude and disagreement on the topic about the funds on the supplementary teaching needs, and they hope the related bureaus can make further and more researches on this topic. (No common on this topic: 30%)
4. Most of the Special Education Teachers think that might save more money if they can make up the teaching materials on their own. However, the specialised and the common used materials should still have to be set up by the Resource Centres and the Institutes of Special Education.
5. 80% Parents are satisfied with the learning environment of the schools.
The researcher made the following proposes according to the analyses on the related documents and the researches.
1. To the educational administrative departments of the bureaus:
A. The funds of the non-obstacle environment should be made by the
actual needs of the schools, and it should be contained in the yearly
B. The accounting formulas of the arrangement should take the level of the
disability, the vary kinds of the special classes, and the number of the
students in account for achieving the best efficiency of the using of the
C. The Special Education Resource Centres should share more funds for
having more specialised workers to assistant the teaching program,
and to do more consultants. To ascertain the teaching evaluation for
achieving the best efficiency of the using of the funds.
2. To the educational administrative departments of the schools:
A. All the uses of the funds should be made known to the public for
avoiding the misunderstandings, and doubts. By the way, the funds
should be used for having more special computer classrooms to make
the students learn and practice more skills of living.
B. To design more out-door teaching programs for the physical disability
students, and let the students have the special evaluation ideas for
reducing the learning frustrations.
3. To the parents:
A. To respect the teachers' specialised field of teaching, to help and
combine the resources from the society or the neighbourhoods, and to
join the students' teaching and counselling activities.
B. To provide the children's disability information willingly and to let the
schools to help the students get improvement on the situations.
4. To the future researchers:
A. This research is based on the origin and the using of the special
education funds. The related researching tools haven't been built up.
The efficacy, the efficiency, and the level of trusty are still needed to
make further researches.
B. The objects to the interviews and the questionnaires in this research is
limited in Taipei City, which means the results are not popularised to all
kinds of schools, the members of this society, and the levels of this
society. Therefore, the further studies on this area are still waited to
be made.
6.李平(2000)譯,Thomas Amstrong原著:經營多元智慧-開展以學生為中心的教育。台北:遠流。
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