研究生: |
許祐綸 Yu-Lun Hsu |
論文名稱: |
以凡爾賽宮當代藝術展Joana Vasconcelos Versailles探討法國文化遺產之轉型與爭議 French Cultural Heritage in Change: a case study of Joana Vasconcelos Versailles at the Château de Versailles |
指導教授: |
Lai, Chia-Ling |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
歐洲文化與觀光研究所 Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 188 |
中文關鍵詞: | 法國文化遺產 、當代藝術 、展覽 、場域競爭 、展覽政治 、後現代 |
英文關鍵詞: | French cultural heritage, contemporary arts, exhibition, field struggle, exhibition politics, post-modern |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:483 下載:67 |
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本研究背景與動機發展,是基於對凡爾賽宮2008年以來引發爭議與討論之當代藝術特展的意涵探問,以及對於法國脈絡下,當代藝術與歷史空間結合之特殊軌跡的思辨。研究以2012年法國凡爾賽宮當代藝術特展Joana Vasconcelos Versailles作為個研究,分析文化遺產空間與當代藝術特覽結合的脈絡與意涵建構。
研究借用Bourdieu的場域概念,探討凡爾賽宮在法國文化遺產場域變遷下,以當代藝術特展作為場域競爭策略的特殊意義。研究梳理法國文化遺產場域自十八世紀以降的歷史變遷、當代藝術與文化遺產在法國情境中的結合特性,以及凡爾賽宮自身的當代轉型軌跡,進而分析Joana Vasconcelos Versailles之於凡爾賽宮的場域競爭特性。研究同時細部探討該屆當代藝術特展意涵,從展覽內容與歷史空間的對話特質,詮釋Joana Vasconcelos Versailles的意義建構以及權力知識生產。本研究對法國文化遺產及當代藝術特展之相關媒介進行文獻分析,與凡爾賽市政府單位、參展藝術家Joana Vasconcelos及其工作室成員進行質性訪談,亦前往特展進行田野調查,進行多重資料收集與分析參照,並透過遺產之後現代變遷、場域競爭策略,以及展覽政治等概念,分析回顧凡爾賽宮當代藝術特展的歷史性軌跡,並深入詮釋個案特展的意義。研究指出,Joana Vasconcelos Versailles為法國文化遺產以及凡爾賽宮後現代場域變遷脈絡下的產物,發展自凡爾賽宮近十年來,透過與當代藝術之結合,所進行的象徵資本更新與場域位階鞏固策略,並具體在移動性、時間性與展示實踐聚合折衝等面向,展現場域競爭特質。特展更在公共性儀式轉換、論述形構與主體生產三個面向,施展意義建構及展覽政治。
藉著從法國文化遺產場域變遷脈絡研究Joana Vasconcelos Versailles,並對展覽中當代藝術與遺產空間之對話特質作細部探討,本研究試圖對後現代文化遺產意涵,以及歷史空間與當代藝術的結合樣貌,提出更為脈絡化的分析方式與批判詮釋。
This research is based on an inquiry into the implications of the controversial contemporary art exhibition project at the Château de Versailles since 2008, and a reflection on the juxtaposition of contemporary arts and historical sites in the French context. The research takes the 2012 exhibition Joana Vasconcelos Versailles as a case study to analyze the issue.
Drawing upon Bourdieu’s “field” theory, the research explores the significance of contemporary art exhibition as a strategy of field struggle in the change of French cultural heritage field. It describes the cultural heritage changes from the 18th century to present, and the distinctive nature of the conjunction of contemporary arts and French heritage sites, then examines the characteristics of Joana Vasconcelos Versailles as Versailles’ strategy of field struggle. The research also analyzes the exhibition by meaning construction and power engaged knowledge shaping, through an investigation of the dialogues between the exhibition and the historical space. Through archive research, interviews, discourse analysis on the artworks and exhibition as well as fieldworks methods, the research demonstrates the post-modernization of heritages, field struggles, and exhibition politics. The case study points out that Joana Vasconcelos Versailles is a product of the postmodern change of the Château de Versailles, and part of the strategies of the renewal of symbolic capitals and the position taking of the French cultural heritage within the recent decade.
Through the case study of Joana Vasconcelos Versailles, the research provides a contextual analysis and a critical interpretation of the exhibition as a form of juxtaposition of contemporary arts and historical settings.
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