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研究生: 謝佳琪
Chia-chi Hsieh
論文名稱: 同儕互教策略對台灣高中生英語學習之效益研究
A Study of the Effects of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring on Seniro High School EFL Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 同儕輔導同儕互教策略第二語言教學
英文關鍵詞: peer tutoring, reciprocal peer tutoring, L2 teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:296下載:16
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  • 本篇論文旨在探討「同儕互教策略」(Reciprocal Peer Tutoring)對台灣高中生英文整體閱讀能力及學習態度的影響,同時探究「同儕互教策略」中教導同儕與被同儕教導兩種活動何者帶來較佳的英文學習效益。

    This study explores whether reciprocal peer tutoring enhances the overall EFL reading performance of senior high school EFL students in Taiwan and what attitude students hold toward reciprocal peer tutoring. The study participants were 117 third-graders from three intact classes of a public senior high school in Taiwan. Data were collected through reading comprehension measures, in-class quizzes, questionnaires and individual interviews. Quantitative data analyses showed that, although significance was not reached, RPT students demonstrated better EFL reading performance than the control groups. Quantitative data analyses also showed that, although significance was not reached, tutors demonstrated slightly better EFL performance than tutees. It was interpreted that RPT could slightly enhance the overall EFL reading performance of senior high school students in Taiwan, especially when they took the role of tutors. As for the qualitative data, it was revealed that a majority of students showed favorable attitude toward RPT in their EFL classroom, asserting that RPT helped them get rid of passive learning and deeper their learning of EFL material. It was concluded that RPT facilitated the EFL learning of senior high school students in Taiwan and increased their learning motivation. It was recommended that RPT be partially integrated into senior high school students’ EFL classroom in Taiwan, especially when the level of difficulty of the EFL material was slightly above the students’ proficiency level. It was hoped that active participation and cooperation could be encouraged through RPT in students’ EFL learning.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Purpose of the study 6 1.3 Research questions 7 1.4 Definition of key terms 7 1.5 Organization of the thesis 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 A historical review of peer tutoring 9 2.1.1 Origins of peer tutoring 10 2.1.2 Peer tutoring since the 1970s 10 2.1.3 Peer tutoring today 11 2.2 Theoretical framework of peer tutoring 12 2.2.1 Cognitive developmental theories 13 2.2.2 Other relevant theories 14 2.3 Benefits and constraints of peer tutoring 15 2.3.1 Difference between peer interaction and teacher-student interaction 15 2.3.2 Evidence of the benefits of peer tutoring 17 Cognitive benefits of peer tutoring 17 Cognitive benefits of peer tutoring for tutors 18 Cognitive benefits of peer tutoring for tutees 19 Affective benefits of peer tutoring 20 Behavioral changes by peer tutoring 21 2.3.3 Evidence of the constraints of peer tutoring 22 2.3.4 Peer tutoring in the field of teaching English as a second/foreign language 23 2.4 Variations of peer tutoring 26 2.5 Reciprocal peer tutoring 28 2.5.1 Development of reciprocal peer tutoring 28 2.5.2 Previous studies on reciprocal peer tutoring 32 Previous studies on reciprocal peer tutoring in the western context 32 Previous studies on reciprocal peer tutoring in the context of Taiwan 37 2.5.3 The present study 40 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 42 3.1 Reciprocal peer tutoring in the present study 42 3.2 Participants 44 3.3 Teaching materials 46 3.4 Data collection measures and instruments 47 3.4.1 The Intermediate level GEPT reading comprehension tests 47 3.4.2 The school-based monthly English exams 48 3.4.3 The in-class quizzes 49 3.4.4 The questionnaire 51 3.4.5 The individual interviews 51 3.5 Procedures 52 3.5.1 A pre-study trial 52 Preparing students to teach 53 During the RPT session 53 Assigning roles of tutor and tutee 54 Tutoring 54 After the tutoring 55 3.5.2 Research procedures 56 3.6 Data analysis 57 3.6.1 Quantitative analysis 58 Pretest and posttest 58 In-class quizzes 58 3.6.2 Qualitative analysis 59 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 60 4.1 Results 60 4.1.1 Quantitative findings 61 reading comprehension tests 61 School-based monthly exams 62 4.1.2 The In-class quizzes 64 4.1.3 The findings from the questionnaire and interviews 68 The findings from the questionnaire 68 General attitude toward RPT 69 The aspects of RPT that students liked 69 The aspects of RPT which students disliked 71 Adequacy of RPT procedures 73 Perceptions of students’ improvement 74 Open-ended questions in the questionnaire 76 The findings from individual interviews 78 4.2 Discussion 83 4.2.1 Quantitative effectiveness of RPT in EFL learning 83 4.2.2 Tutor accuracy and tutee accuracy 85 4.2.3 Students’ perception of reciprocal peer tutoring in EFL learning 86 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 90 5.1 Summary of findings 90 5.2 Pedagogical implications 92 5.3 Guidelines for implementing RPT 94 5.4 Limitations of the study 95 5.5 Suggestions for future research 96 REFERENCES 98 Appendix A One Example of A Reading Selection in Lungteng English Reader V 108 Appendix B One Example of An In-class Quiz 111 Appendix C Perception Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 112 Appendix D Perception Questionnaire (English Version) 114 Appendix E Questions of the Individual Interviews 116

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