研究生: |
論文名稱: |
學生學習行為模式對其學習成效的影響 The Influence of learning behavior model on students' learning effect |
指導教授: | 陳文典 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
物理學系 Department of Physics |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 100 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習行為表徵 、人格特質 、學習成效 |
英文關鍵詞: | representation of learning behavior, personality trait, learning effect |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:389 下載:74 |
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This research studies the Learning effect, which is influenced by student’s learning behavior model that can be observed by student’s characteristic of personality and representation of learning behavior. In this research, Learning effect is mainly based on student’s study performance of physics and chemistry. 「Representation of Learning Behavior Scale」and 「Personality Trait Scale」 are the observation basis of this research. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, T-test and relevant analysis. The Examinations of questionnaires are the students of class three, the second grade of junior high school. Total questionnaires are 111, effectvely receipted are 98. Representation of learning behavior includes four different characteristics: 「Mastery」 that learning is base on repeatedly practicing,「Understanding」 that student’s learning is base on understanding and the linking of theory,「Self-Expressive」 that student is good at imagining and creation, 「Interpersonal」 that student prefers interaction and cooperation with others. Personality trait includes five different characteristics: 「Neuroticism」 that easily nervous, 「Openness」 that full with curiosity, 「Extraversion」 that like making friends, 「Agreeableness」 that polite and easy to get along, 「Conscientiousness」 that discreet and responsible.
The result of study:
1. The intensity of some representation of learning behavior, 「Mastery」, 「Understanding」and 「Interpersonal」 have obvious influence over the study performance of physics and chemistry.
2. The intensity of some personality trait, 「Conscientiousness」and 「Extraversion」 have obvious influence over the study performance of physics and chemistry.
3. The intensity of one personality trait, 「Openness」 has obvious influence over three of the Representation of learning behavior , 「Self-Expressive 」, 「Mastery」and 「Understanding」.
4. The intensity of one personality trait, 「Conscientiousness」 has obvious influence over three of the Representation of learning behavior ,「Understanding」, 「Mastery」and 「Interpersonal」.
Key words: representation of learning behavior, personality trait, learning effect
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