研究生: |
黃筱筑 Huang, Hsiao-Chu |
論文名稱: |
亂時慾望與過時軀體:當代好萊塢電影中的回春女性 Anachronistic Desire and Aging Body: Rejuvenating Women in Contemporary Hollywood Films |
指導教授: |
Lee, Hsiu-Chuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
中文關鍵詞: | 年齡研究 、女性研究 、後女性主義 、性別年齡歧視 、好萊塢電影 |
英文關鍵詞: | age studies, women studies, postfeminism, sexist ageism, Hollywood films |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:333 下載:25 |
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This thesis aims to examine the ways in which aging women’s experiences are represented through contemporary Hollywood films. I open my thesis by observing a recent trend of employing middle-aged actresses to enact the role of witches and/or wicked queens in Hollywood. Particularly, two films adapted from Grimm Brothers’ “Little Snow White,” both released in 2012, drew my attention to the experiences of aging women. This trend corresponds to the fact that aging has become an essential experience of contemporary people, thanks to prolonged life expectancy as well as population aging. By analyzing the aging women presented in three popular films— Death Becomes Her (1992), Tangled (2010), and Mirror Mirror (2012), I argue that the narratives of rejuvenation bring to the fore aging women’s experiences albeit in collaboration with sexist ageism.
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One provides a general review on the trajectory of age studies, the intersection between age studies and feminism, and the definition of sexist ageism. In Chapter Two, I delve into the representations of two rejuvenating women in Death Becomes Her. By analyzing the comedical style of the film, I suggest that heteronormativity is undermined by the comedical representations of rejuvenated bodies of the two aging women. Chapter Three studies how motherhood is constructed and conflated with aging experience in Tangled. I propose to read the mother-daughter relationship presented in this film as the relations between two generations of women, and indicate that ageism surfaces in the film’s representation of conflicts between mother and daughter. Chapter Four probes the age ideology embodied in Mirror Mirror. By examining the Queen alongside with Julia Roberts’s stardom, I point out the limitations of postfeminism and the sexist ageism inherent in Hollywood stardom. In the concluding chapter, I ponder on the potentials of more recent films and anticipate to see more works complicate the representations of women’s aging experiences and challenge sexist ageism.
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