研究生: |
歐德芬 Ou, Te-Fen |
論文名稱: |
現代漢語多義詞「看」之認知研究 A Cognitive Study of the Chinese Polysemous Verb "看/kan" |
指導教授: |
Teng, Shou-Hsin |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 232 |
中文關鍵詞: | 一詞多義 、感官動詞 、義項 、語義網絡 、連綿性 |
英文關鍵詞: | polysemy, perception verb, sense, semantic network, continuum |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1221 下載:101 |
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本論文以多義感官視覺動詞「看」為例,建立多義詞義項分析之區別性及關聯性理論架構,以Evans (2005)原則性多義理論為主,抽取中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫及政治大學漢語口語語料庫之例句進行分析,確認「看」有七個具區別性之獨立義項及其原型義項;並以轉喻及隱喻映射確認七義項間之關聯性。除以各自義項具有之意象圖式確認七個義項之認知現實性外,並提出義項出現主觀性之理據。本文亦提出「看」組構之語義網絡有別於一般動詞之輻射散開狀,另以義項之行為概述探究義項間之親疏關係,且以之畫出「看」的語義網絡。最後本文從歷時「看」語義演變之情況提出「看」語義網絡延伸實具方向性。
Polysemy refers to a grouping of related but distinct senses of a single lexical item. Cognitive semantics applies metonymic and metaphorical mappings within the conceptual system to explain the relatedness among senses. However, the synchronic distinction of senses lacks a coherent theoretical framework; consequently, semanticists could only make their own analyses, including speakers’ intuition. This explains the existence of seven, nine or even up to seventeen different senses of the same Chinese perception verb ‘kan’ in previous studies.
The main goal of this dissertation is to explore the various directions in the linguistic categorizations of polysemy via the analysis of the Chinese perception verb ‘kan’, examples of which are drawn from the Academic Sinica Corpus and the National Chengchi University (NCCU) Corpus of Spoken Chinese. Utilizing Principled Polysemy (Evans, 2005) as the proposed framework, seven distinct senses of ‘kan’ have been identified, including one sanctioning sense. In addition, the metonymic and metaphorical mappings within the conceptual system explain the relatedness among the seven senses of ‘kan’. The seven senses have their own unique images as well, and some senses even exhibit subjectivity. This research employs the behavioral profiles of seven senses of ‘kan’ to suggest that its semantic network differs from the radial structure of general polysemy. By analyzing the similarities and relationships among these seven senses, a clear semantic network of ‘kan’ is constructed accordingly. Finally, possible paths of extensions of the senses of ‘kan’ are proposed via the analysis of ‘kan’ from diachronic perspectives.
The results of this study show that continuum does not merely exist in the processes among the seven senses of ‘kan’, but also exist in metonymic and metaphorical mappings among them. Both continuum and family resemblance exist in the behavioral profiles of these seven senses as well. This reveals that human conceptual system can be embodied in semantic structure, and semantic structure can also actuate computational system. Language universal does exist in human cognition hence.
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