研究生: |
江健豪 Chien-hao Chiang |
論文名稱: |
國中教師寫作評量回饋品質及其有效性之研究 The Quality and Validity of Feedback on Written Assessment from Junior High School Teachers |
指導教授: |
Lin, Sieh-Hwa |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 101 |
中文關鍵詞: | 寫作評量 、寫作評量回饋 、評分規準 |
英文關鍵詞: | writing assessment, written assessment feedback, rubric |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:392 下載:16 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
This study was designed to investigate the different types of feedback on written assessment given by Taiwanese junior high school teachers, as well as the quality and validity of this feedback. Current conceptualizations of how to construct rubrics and offer feedback were first reviewed, and a ‘best practice’ model for providing feedback was defined. Samples of writing test performances and feedback from teachers were collected from 13 teachers. The author and two co-analysts applied a content-analysis model to categorize the samples. Three types and thirteen kinds of feedback were revealed through this categorization process. Using the ‘best practice’ model to assess the feedback, it was found that the feedback generally met prevailing standards in terms of ‘investment’, ‘balance’, ‘variety’ and ‘tangibility’. However, it was found that feedback often appears to be lacking in ‘encouragement.’ Finally, the rubrics used by teachers were found to be highly relevant to the rubrics used in the Basic Competence Writing Test for Junior High School Students (BCTEST). Implications for pedagogy and suggestions for further research are offered.
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