研究生: |
林琬津 Wan-Chin Lin |
論文名稱: |
臺灣典範多國籍企業招募甄選之研究-以汽車、高科技及文創產業為例 The Study of Recruitment and Selection of Leading Multinational Enterprises in Taiwan-Cases of Automobile Industry, High-tech Industry and Cultural Creative Industry |
指導教授: |
Dong, Tse-Ping |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 多國籍企業 、人力資源管理 、招募 、甄選 |
英文關鍵詞: | Multinational company, Human resource management, recruitment, selection |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:572 下載:0 |
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As globalization has accelerated the interaction and communication between nations, Taiwanese enterprises are facing competition that is fiercer than ever before.
In search of excellence in industry and acquirng competitive advantages, Taiwanese enterprises, renowned for their OEM specialty, have successfully evolved from OEM to ODM. The competence of unceasing innovation is the key to their success.Innovation is result of R&D and design, hence, finding and chosing appropriate R&D/design talents has plays an important role in the innovation capabilities of
This thesis conducts depth-interviews and uses secondary analysis to explore the recruitment, selection process and methods of R&D/ design talents in three Taiwanese
multinational leading enterprises, and discusses the effect of contextual factors as well as the difficulties they encounter and the future trend of recruitment and selection of R&D/design talents. Three enterprises were chosen according to development process of Taiwan’s industry, namely the automobile industry-represents the past, the
high-tech industry represents the present and the cultural creative industry represents the future. All three enterprises were selected from those awarded the “Top 100
Taiwan Brands” by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The conclusions of this study are summarized below: First, web job boards,government recruitment agencies, employee referral and internal promotion are used by all enterprises, among them referral and promotion are the two most effective ways to find appropriate R&D/design talents. Second, for selection tools, personal interviews and English tests are of value to all sampled enterprises. Third, contextual
factors such as industry policy, and labor regulations have little effect on recruitment and selection of R&D/design talents. All three sampled enterprises are depending on
the raise of salary and benefits to retain senior talents from leaving the positions. With regard to competitors’ action, the enterprises won’t compare themselves with their
competitors, rather, they tend to focus on their core values with an emphasis on continued improvement and development. They believe outstanding brand image can lure talents without strain. Forth, other contextual factors like business strategy,organizational culture, organizational size and task interdependence also have an impact on recruitment and selection of R&D/design talents.
1. 方至民(民97)國際企業管理。台北市:前程文化。
2. 何明城(譯)(民91)。人力資源管理 (原作者:Rober B. Bowin, Donald F. Harvey)。台北市:智勝文化。
3. 吳青松(民98)。國際企業管理-理論與實務。台北市:智勝。
4. 林文政、龐寶璽(民98)。國際人力資源管理。台北市:雙葉。
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6. 許世雨、楊雪倫、李長晏、蔡秀涓、范宜芳(譯)(民98)。人力資源管理(原作者:David A. DeCenzo & Stephen P. Robbins),台北市:五南圖書。
7. 莊立民、廖曜生(譯)(民94)。國際人力資源管理(原作者:Dowling & Welch)。台北市:滄海。(原著出版年:2004)
8. 項靖(譯)(民91)。論文計劃與研究方法(原作者:Lawrence F. Locke、Waneen Wyrick Spirduso、Stephen J. Silverman),新北市:韋伯文化。
9. 張緯良(民95)。人力資源管理:本土觀點與實踐,新北市:前程文化。
10. 黃良志、黃家齊、溫金豐、廖文志、韓志翔(民96)。人力資源管理理論與實務。台北市:華泰。
11. 楊瑞臨。(民102年4月)。半導體綜論,證交資料,612,49-58。趙郁文(民99)。國際企業管理系統化理論與分析。台北市:華泰。
12. 葉至誠、葉立誠(民89)。研究方法與論文寫作,台北市:商鼎文化。
13. 劉秀娟、湯志安(譯)(民97)。人力資源管理(原作者:Lawrence S. Kleiman)。台北市:揚智文化。(原著出版年:1998)
14. 嚴文華、宋繼文、石文典(民91)。跨文化企業管理心理學。台北市:揚智文化。
1. 李佳儒(民101)。人力資源招募甄選之研究-以電子科技產業為例(碩士論文)。取自http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/55148
2. 郭惠美(民99)。高科技公司校園人才招募策略及其對企業影響之研究(碩士論文)。取自臺灣博碩士論文系統。(系統編號002976612)。
3. 陳玫婷(民96)。高科技產業人力資源招募甄選之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學,台北市。
4. 張芬霞(民95)。跨國人力資源開發與管理模式的比較研究【專論】。武漢大學學報,2,59。
5. 張育瑞(民95)。產業與地方法展關係之研究-以裕隆汽車在苗栗縣三義鄉為例(未出版之碩士論文)。私立逢甲大學,台中市。
6. 翁良杰、賴薏筑(民100)。多國籍企業亞太區域空間分工類型之探究:以台灣設立子公司之多國籍企業為例【專論】。遠景基金會季刊,2,34。
7. 廖述嘉(民96)。臺灣中小企業國際化動機、人力資源策略與控制關係之研究(碩士論文)。取自臺灣博碩士論文系統。(系統編號003156225)。
8. 楊雅琪(民100)。在台跨國公司招募策略之研究(碩士論文)。取自台灣博碩士論文系統。(系統編號002843775)。
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