研究生: |
張瓊恩 Chyong-En Jang |
論文名稱: |
工作限制對學習前翻之影響 The effect of task constraints on learning the forward salto |
指導教授: |
Liu, Yeou-Teh |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 106 |
中文關鍵詞: | 動作控制 、前空翻 、工作限制 、競技體操 |
英文關鍵詞: | motor control, task constraints, forward salto, gymnastics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:263 下載:33 |
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Jang & Liu(2009)探討不同層級之體操選手在不同情境下實施團身前空翻之動作差異,發現乙組選手實施前空翻的方法僅能滿足平時練習情境之要求,一旦增加了工作限制,原本動作型態的不足之處則明顯影響其動作表現;根據個體在各種不同的工作限制下會產生不同動作型態的概念(Newell et. al., 1989),進一步探討前空翻之初學者如何於啟蒙訓練時獲得正確之基本動作,以達成有效率的練習,以及對後續進階難度動作有助益之穩固基礎。本研究目的為探討加入工作限制概念之訓練對學習前空翻動作的影響。研究方法為招募16名體育相關科系學生(19.14±1.35歲),分為控制組與實驗組各8人,進行約八週之助跑團身前空翻訓練(一週練習3次),前兩週練習內容相同,兩週後進行前測,後六週實驗組操作加入工作限制概念之課表,而控制組則執行一般訓練課表,完畢進行後測及遷移測(高台原地前空翻);測驗時以一台200fps高速攝影機擷取二維影片,再以Kwon3D將動作數據化,並使用普通攝影機拍攝動作影片後隨績排序給專業體操裁判作評分,最後將各項運動學參數及裁判評分以Mathematica與SPSS進行資料處理與統計分析。結果發現後測整體表現皆有進步,包括後測動作分數提升、起跳前助跑速度增加、落地穩定性提高及落地前能夠提早緩衝(髖角速度減少至負值),唯團身技巧退步;遷移能力如動作分數、落地穩定性、落地前準備伸展及落地時身體回正皆有顯著提升。兩組差異主要在於實驗組能夠在遷移測減少落地項目扣分,維持落地穩定,而控制組則無。結論:一、整體表現經過練習皆有顯著進步,二、兩組後測之學習成效無顯著差異,三、加入限制概念訓練之組別有較佳遷移表現,因此工作限制概念課表能夠幫助學習者遷移前空翻能力至其他項目中。最後,建議往後對複雜動作的研究,能夠將觀察及學習時間拉長,至動作能夠趨於穩定且成熟的階段,更能發揮工作限制對於動作之影響與幫助。
Jang & Liu(2009) investigated how gymnasts of different levels modulate their movement while executing the forward tucked salto (FTS) from different tasks and found that experienced gymnasts could perform better movement patterns so as to execute the FTS successfully in different tasks. Therefore, the instructors should emphasize and observe the subtle points of fundamental skills from basic training for the learners. According to task constraints provide a dynamic framework of boundary conditions to the emerging movement coordination modes of action and to the resultant expressions of skill (Newell et. al., 1989).The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of task constraints on learning FTS for beginners. Methods:Recruiting 16 male PE related majors who volunteered to join the learning program of FTS for 8 weeks (3 times a week) and dividing into 2 groups. The arrangements for the first two weeks are the same, but experiment group was given task constraints - added training programs for the last 6 weeks. We held pretest after 2 weeks, and posttest and transfer test after 8 weeks, and recorded every trial of tests by 60 fps camera and evaluated the performances outcome by gymnastics judges. Moreover, a 200 fps high speed camera was used to capture the sagittal view of the tests, and kinematics parameters of the performances were digitized for data analysis with the KWON digitizing software. Results:All the participants had skills progressed after training, includes higher scores of performances, the faster speed of run up before take-off, better stability of landing(lower landing deductions), and cushion the landing impact earlier. However, skills of tucking was backsliding (minimum hip angles of aerial time were elevated).In transfer test, participants had better scores, landing stability, and landing skills (stretching bodies before landing, head orientation became strait at landing). The main effects of the task constraints training program for experiment group were found in the transfer abilities, such as better landing performance. Summary, we should manipulate the task constraints flexibly, consider the individual differences and the goal and the characteristics of the skill, and prolongate the duration of learning.
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