研究生: |
阮孝齊 Juan, Hsiao-Chi |
論文名稱: |
我國學習共同體政策擴散之研究 Research on the Diffusion of the School as Learning Community Policy in Taiwan. |
指導教授: |
Wang, Li-Yun |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 316 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習共同體 、政策擴散 、事件歷史分析 、政策學習 、精進教學 、空間分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | school as learning community, policy diffusion, event history analysis, policy learning, refining teaching, spatial analysis |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204075 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:435 下載:109 |
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擴散理論(diffusion theory)認為,社會演進的過程,即是各種創新不斷擴散的歷程。近來全球化以及不同領域的政策推動學者,對於各國乃至於不同政府層級組織間的相互依賴性(interdependence)進行分析,發現透過強制、模仿、學習、仿效等機制,能夠解釋跨國、跨境、跨文化的政策擴散現象,對於課程創新推動帶來許多啟示。在亞洲,佐藤學以及學習共同體所掀起的教學革命,儼然成為教師專業發展以及課程革新的熱門議題。在我國,學習共同體的推動從臺北市以及新北市開始,各縣市透過「試辦學校」、「辦理講座」、「輔導團推動」等方式實施學習共同體。其共同特點在於投注精進教學方案或教育局自有經費,促成專業社群互動。許多學者認為這樣的推動過程,突破以往中央主導由上而下的模式,具有課程革新上的新興意義。本研究研究目的為描述我國學習共同體在各縣市的採用與擴散、分析影響學習共同體擴散的國際及跨縣市因素、分析影響學習共同體擴散的縣市內部因素、以及分析我國學習共同體擴散之機制。研究結果發現:(1)我國學習共同體採用歷程可區分為領先引入、早期採用、晚期採用、及未採用縣市;(2)我國學習共同體擴散的國際影響因素包含國際比較與競爭壓力、媒體型塑標準、以及跨國資訊交流形成之影響;(3)跨縣市影響因素包含鄰近縣市影響以及類似中央政府政策之影響;(4)內部影響因素包含補助及協助收入依存度、每位教師指導學生數、高等教育人口比率、以及前學期研習次數之影響;(5)內部行動者如首長、行政部門、教師團體、在地社群之行動形成影響;(6)跨組織行動者之行動影響後續縣市之採用;(7)我國學習共同體擴散的機制以學習機制為主。依據研究結論,對不同身份別之教育工作者提出具體建議。
Researchers in globalization and policy research fields highlight the interdependence among countries and different levels of government sectors. Coercion, imitation, learning, and emulation mechanisms are identified and used to explain transnational, cross-border policy diffusion. In Asia, “School as Learning Community (SLC)” advocated by Sato invoke intensive discussion around teaching revolution, teacher professional development, and curriculum innovation. In Taiwan, Taipei City and New Taipei City are the pioneer for adopting SLC. Other jurisdictions also adopted SLC via "pilot experiment ", "giving lectures ", and “advocacy by Education Advisory Group”. The common feature behind these is the input of financial support from teaching excellence program to promote interactions among professional communities. Many scholars considered the diffusion was different from the centralized top-down model and presented a new form of curriculum innovation. The purpose of the research is to describe the adoption and diffusion of SLC in various counties, analyze the international, trans-border, and internal factors affecting the diffusion of SLC as well as the mechanism behind the diffusion. Major findings are listed as follows: (1) The adoption process of SLC can be divided into leading adopters, early adopters, late adopters, and stagnant counties;(2) External factors affecting SLC included international comparison and competition, the standards shaped by the media, as well as the influences from transnational information exchange;(3) Cross-border factors included the neighborhood effect and impact of similar central government policies;(4) Internal factors included subsidy dependence, teacher-student ratio, the higher education students population ratio, and the impact of the hours of teacher training courses in previous semester;(5) Internal actors such as the heads of administrative sections, teacher organizations, and local communities were influential actors; (6) Cross-organizational actors promoted the adoption among late adopters.;(7)The main diffusion mechanism of the SLC in Taiwan is the learning mechanism. Recommendations for policy diffusion are provided for different actors based on findings.
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