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研究生: 方郁嘉
Fang Yu-Chia
論文名稱: 台灣代工廠商之委外決策探討-以E廠商之個案研究為例
Outsourcing Decision of a Taiwan-based ODM-A Case Study of E Company
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 委外代工核心價值資源基礎理論
英文關鍵詞: outsourcing, core competence, resource-base theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:450下載:24
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  • 台灣高科技代工產業近幾年來在高度的競爭壓力下,在組織上有重大的改變。針對不同的組織規模,是否採取併購策略以建構完整的供應鏈以減少溝通或科技技術的落差,抑或是採取委外代工以節省設備及人力成本,進而增加效率成為台灣本土高科技代工產業的重要課題。為此,本研究以台灣傳統主板代工廠商為例,探討企業如何制定委外代工的決定,並進而了解委外代工對企業短期與長期上的影響。

    Motherboards ODM environment was getting more and more competitive in the past two decades. To survive in this aggressive environment, ODM need to decide which strategy they should use. In order to get rid of all the gap between the suppliers, so build a completely supply chain? Or, outsourcing to third party to make their business more efficiency?
    Several studied had focus on the big computer company such as Dell or HP to analyze their outsourcing decision, but it is hard to find one study focus on the Taiwan local ODM companies like E COMPANY. So, in this study, we understood how an ODM company making the decision of outsourcing through studying the case of a Taiwan local ODM E COMPANY. We analyzed E COMPANY’s outsourcing business through three concepts: cost, resource dependency and core competence.
    In the end, writer suggested that ODM need to understand what is their core competence and value to make their outsourcing decision and need to avoid outsourcing the business which might cause high dependency to their third party vender. In the short time, there is no choice but outsourcing some of their important business to their vender due to the cost concern. But considering the long term business, ODM should decrease the high dependency degree to their vender and should develop this high dependency business to be their core competence.

    摘要 I Abstract II Table of content III Table of figures V Table of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Purpose 2 1.3 Research procedure 3 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Outsourcing 4 2.2 Core competence 10 2.3 Resource-based theory 14 2.4 Resource Dependence Theory 14 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOPY 16 3.1 Qualitative research 16 3.2 Case study 16 Chapter 4 CASE STUDY 17 4.1 Outsourcing question preface 17 4.2 E COMPANY history and industry analysis 19 4.3 E COMPANY outsourcing feature 25 4.4 E COMPANY core competence 28 4.5 E COMPANY outsourcing analysis 30 CHEAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 33 5.1 Research result and suggestion 33 5.2 Limitation 34 REFERENCE 35

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