研究生: |
曾啟銘 Tseng, Chi-Ming |
論文名稱: |
環境教育對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為之影響:不同教學方法與時間規劃的調節 The Effect of Environmental Education on Children’s Place Attachment and Environmentally Responsible Behavior: The Moderation of Different Teaching Methods and Time Planning |
指導教授: |
Wang, Ching-Ming |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 83 |
中文關鍵詞: | 環境教育 、地方依附 、負責任環境行為 |
英文關鍵詞: | Environmental Education, Place Attachment, Environmentally Responsible Behavior |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:356 下載:18 |
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本研究從地方依附理論切入,探討環境教育對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為的影響。綜觀過往研究顯示,以在地環境為基礎的學習,能正向增加學習者的地方情感與環境行為;許多研究證實活動涉入、資源使用歷史及熟悉度是地方依附的前因,「負責任環境行為」是地方依附後果。研究者依此推論假設:環境教育實施能增加兒童的地方依附,進而促進負責任環境行為。過往研究多著重在環境教育與地方感之關聯,少有針對環境教育方案實施對兒童地方依附及負責任環境行為的影響研究;在研究對象上,也多以青少年、成人或當地居民為主,兒童較少。此外,不同之環境教育教學方法及方案時間規畫等變數,對整體兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為交互影響探究也付之闕如。有鑑於此,本研究以東臺灣花蓮市某國小中年級兒童100人為對象,利用準實驗研究-等組前測-後測2 (時間規劃:間斷/連續)X 2(教學方法:環境體驗教學/傳統課室教學)二因子受試者間實驗設計,將抽樣的4個班級隨機分派為A組、B組、C組、D組。透過不同教學方法及時間規劃之環境教育方案實施,以問卷量表調查兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為之變化,並用IBM SPSS AMOS 20進行模式之參數校估與假設檢定。整體研究結果顯示:(1)環境教育能正向增加兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為;(2)環境體驗教學之兒童地方依附顯著高於傳統課室教學;(3)不同教學方法對兒童負責任環境行為無顯著差異;(4)不同時間規劃對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為無顯著差異;(5)兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為有顯著正相關;(6)環境體驗教學不論在時間連續與否情境,都優於傳統課室教學;(7)環境教育、地方依附、負責任環境行為之結構模式具有良好的配適度(χ2/df=.35, GFI=.995, AGFI=.988, CFI=1.00, RMR=.033, RMSEA=.000, RFI=.989),研究證實環境教育能正向影響兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為。
This study illustrates how Environmental Education(EE) influence Place Attachment(PA) and Environmentally Responsible Behavior (ERB) on children. The past research had shown that place-based education influence on students’ sense of place and PA. Empirical researches have demonstrated significant correlations between PA and ERB. Many studies have confirmed that activity involvement, resource usage history are the antecedents of PA. ERB is the consequence of PA. The researcher infer that hypothesis: the implementation of EE can increase PA of the child, thereby promoting ERB. The past researches emphasised on environmental education and sense of place, few studies on effect of environmental education on children’s PA and ERB. Most studies focused on teenagers, adults or local residents, but fewer children. In addition, how the variables of teaching methods and time planning influence the lacking inquiries, PA and ERB. A 2 X 2 factorial design was adopted for this study and a questionnaire was administered to 100 elementary school children who attended a environment-based education program at Meiluen Shan Nature Park, east Taiwan. Results showed that: (1) EE can positive increase children's PA and ERB (2) PA in experience teaching group is significantly higher than traditional classroom teaching group; (3) There was no significant difference in teaching methods on ERB of children (4) There was no significant difference in time planning on children's PA and ERB; (5)PA was significantly related to ERB(r=.734, p<.001, R2=.539); (6 ) Experience teaching method is superior to traditional teaching method; (7) The structural model of EE, PA and ERB has goodness-of-fit (χ2 / df = .35, GFI = .99, AGFI = .99, CFI = 1.00, RMR = .03, RMSEA = .00, RFI = .99).Overall, the model suggests that EE can be improved by PA and ERB. The result of this study supports the use of EE for improving PA and ERB and can be used to guide the future program implementations. Implications for environmental educators and formal educators are discussed.
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