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研究生: 蘇浩瑋
論文名稱: 三所公私立大學大一新生之「入學方式」與「物理迷思概念」 關聯性研究:以浮力概念為例
Investigation of Freshmen’s Buoyancy Misconceptions and Their Entrance Modes
指導教授: 賈至達
Chia, Chih-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 浮力概念迷思概念
英文關鍵詞: Buoyancy, Concept, Misconception
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204531
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:20
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  • 本研究是以甲、乙與丙三所公私立大學,104 學年度入學的理工學院大一新生為研 究對象,探討各校在多元入學各管道中的人數招收比例,並同時根據這項分類結果,探討 學生在浮力調查問卷上的答題表現與答案類型;此外,也將根據大一新生的調查結果,同 時與八、九年級生的答題表現與答案類型做表較,並探討「學生在概念學習前、後上的差 異」及「學生的概念是否會隨著年齡的成長而增長」,其研究調查結果如下:

    一、 針對教育課綱部分:
    (1) 學生在概念學習前、後的差異,主要是能夠正確的運用「浮力公式𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔」 來解決問題,以及知道「沉、浮體所受的浮力大小不同」。
    (2)整體的答對率由高至低排序為:「學校甲」、「學校乙」、「學校丙與九年級 生相當」、「八年級」。以概念的成長幅度來說,學校甲的成長幅度最多;其 次為學校乙;而學校丙在概念與九年級生相當,即沒有太顯著的成長,故學生 的概念會隨著年齡的成長而有不同幅度的增長。
    (3)學生常以「沒入的體積來判斷浮力大小」而間接地忽略掉系統仍有「外力」需 考慮,這也暗示了學生對於浮力公式𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔是「根深蒂固」的。

    二、 各校在多元入學各管道中的人數比例與答題表現調查:
    (1)學校甲在「個人申請」部分的人數百分比最高 ,約佔54.5%;學校乙在「個人 申請」與「考試入學」部分的人數百分比相當,各約佔34.5%,且較甲、丙兩 校更視「繁星推薦」;學校丙在「考試入學」部分的人數百分比最高,約佔 50.1%。
    (2)在浮力概念層次題型上:學校甲、乙、丙三校,在「個人申請」及「考試入學」 對於 𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔 這項單一浮力概念的理解與運用能力是相當的。
    (3)在浮力綜合應用層次題型上:學校甲在「個人申請」及「考試入學」的答對率 約55%,故答題表現沒有顯著的差異;學校乙在「個人申請」的答對率較「考 試入學」高出13.6%的人數百分比;而學校丙則是在「考試入學」的答對率略 較「個人申請」高出約5.6%的答對人數百分比。

    The research subjects are the freshmen who entered institutes of science and technology in three universities A, B and C in 2015. It studies on percentages of the number of enrolled students who entered universities by various methods. Meanwhile, according to the data, it studies on their answer performances and answer types of questionnaires about buoyancy. Besides, the research compares answer performances and answer types of eighth grade students and ninth grade students so that it discusses “the difference before and after students learn the concepts” and “if their comprehension on concepts will increase with age”. The research results are shown as following:

    I. The part aiming at education classes
    (1) The differences before and after students learn concepts are if they can use the buoyancy formula 𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔 to solve problems and if they know the differences of buoyancy when the object sinks and floats.
    (2)The order of correct answer rates from high to low are: A University, B University, C University and ninth grade tied for third place and the last is eighth grade. From the development range of concepts, A has maximum development range followed by B. C has the equal comprehension on concepts with ninth grade and has little development. Therefore, comprehension on concepts will increase with different levels when the students age.
    (3)Generally, students judge how much the buoyancy by the volume sinks into the water but indirectly omit there is “external force” that should be considered in the system. This also infers that students have a deep impression of the buoyancy formula 𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔.

    II. The percentages and performances of students who entered universities by various methods
    (1)The percentage of “Individual Application” of A University is about 54.4% which is the highest among them; in B University, the percentage of “Individual Application”
    and the percentage of “Entrance Exam” are equally 34.5%, and both A and C pay more attention to “Multi-Star Project”; the percentage of entrance exam in C University is about 50.1% which is the highest among the subjects.
    (2)As for the question types of buoyancy concepts, students who are of “Individual Application” and of “ Entrance Exam” from A, B, C have the same comprehension ability on the single concept of 𝐵 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔 .
    (3)For the question types of buoyancy comprehensive application, the percentages of “Individual Application” and “Entrance Exam” students who answered correctly from
    A is 55% and there is no significant difference; in B University, the percentage of “Individual Application” students who answered correctly is higher than the “Entrance Exam” students by 13.6%; in C University, the percentage of “Entrance Exam” students who answered correctly is higher than the “Individual Application” students by 5.6% .

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 ......................................... 01 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 ................................... 03 第三節 名詞釋義 .................................................. 04 第四節 研究範圍與限制 ......................................... 09 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 迷思概念的形成與探討 ................................. 10 第二節 浮力的相關文獻探討 .................................... 15 第三章 研究方法與研究工具 第一節 研究架構與流程 ......................................... 23 第二節 研究對象 .................................................. 26 第三節 研究工具 .................................................. 28 第四節研究資料的收集分析.................................... 41 第四章 研究結果 第一節 以不同的入學管道為變因 ...... ....................... 43 第二節 以不同年齡的施測生為變因 .......................... 52 第三節 不同年齡施測生的迷思概念類型.................... 57 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論........................................................ 82 第二節 建議........................................................ 89 參考文獻 .................................................................. 90 附 錄 .................................................................. 94

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