研究生: |
張維珊 Wei-shan Chang |
論文名稱: |
國中生對於人物設計頭身比與立體度偏好探討 The Junior High School Students' Preference of Figure Design from the Perspectiveof Body Proportion and Depth Expression |
指導教授: | 伊彬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 147 |
中文關鍵詞: | 偏好 、美感判斷 、頭身比 、立體度 、性別 、青少年 |
英文關鍵詞: | preference, aesthetic judgment, body proportion, depth expression, sex, teenager |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:332 下載:15 |
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近年來流行的動漫熱潮,讓動漫文化慢慢成了主流文化,青少年更是迷戀在動漫的世界裡,這樣的視覺環境對於其視覺刺激有一定的影響,本研究試圖探討青少年對插畫人物的頭身比與立體度的喜歡偏好與美感評價。利用 2(男女)×5(頭身比)×3(立體度)之實驗設計,圖像性別為男生與女生,頭身比為3頭身、5頭身、7頭身、9頭身、11頭身,立體度為平面填色,立體切面,素描寫實,女生15張、男生15張,共30張圖像,參與者為北部國中二年級學生,男女各100人,參與者觀看刺激物並填寫問卷,以問卷收集參與者對刺激物的美感評價與偏好程度。
研究結果顯示,1. 性別並未在青少年階段對人物圖像產生差異,不管是對女生圖像的美感與偏好,還是對男生圖像的喜歡偏好與美感評價,男女生的選擇都趨近一致。 2. 頭身比與圖像在喜歡偏好與美感評價上皆有顯著的交互作用,所有參與者對於男女生圖像的喜歡偏好與美感評價產生顯著差異。對於女生圖像的偏好與美感評價依序都為7頭身、9頭身、5頭身、11頭身、3頭身。對於男生圖像的偏好與美感評價依序都為9頭身、7頭身、11頭身、5頭身、3頭身。 3. 立體度與頭身比在喜歡偏好與美感評價上皆有顯著的交互作用,國中男女生在不同的頭身比時,對於「立體切面」的表現方式的偏好與美感評價都一致性的給了最高,其次為「素描寫實」,而「平面填色」則最不受國中生青睞。 4. 青少年的喜歡偏好與美感評價的積差相關顯示,國中階段男女生對於偏好與美感的相關性很高。
In the recent years of animation fever, “Manga” culture has slowly become main stream. Teenagers are deeply infatuated in the manga world. This visional environment has a great influence on visional stimulation. The main purpose of my thesis is to discuss how teenagers reflect on the preferences and aesthetic judgment of the proportion and depth on human illustration. The project involves in using images of 2 (boy and girl) × 5 (body proportion) × 3 (depth expression) of the experimental design. The sex distinction of images are boy and girl, the proportion of the body are 1:3 head-body proportion, 1:5 head-body proportion, 1:7 head-body proportion, 1:9 head-body proportion, and 1:11 head-body proportion. The images are angles in three-dimensional, plane coloring, three-dimensional section, color with realism shadow, 15 female and 15 male images with together of 30 in total. 100 boys and girls in the 8th grade from the northern area are participated in watching stimulants and fill out questionnaire in order to survey the preference and the aesthetic judgment among participants. The results show that 1. Sex is not an issue for teenage involving differences on the images of character, the image of a boy or a girl appears to have no preferences and aesthetic judgment differences. 2. Body proportion and images involving preferences and aesthetic judgment has significant interaction, all participants in the preference for boy and girl images produced significant differences in evaluation. Preferences for girl images on aesthetic judgment are sequenced in the 1:7 head-body proportion, 1:9 head-body proportion, 1:5 head-body proportion, 1:11 head-body proportion, and 1:3 head-body proportion. Preferences for boy images on aesthetic judgment are sequenced in the 1:7 head-body proportion, 1:9 head-body proportion, 1:5 head-body proportion, 1:11 head-body proportion, and 1:3 head-body proportion. 3. Depth expression and body proportion involving preferences and aesthetic judgment has significant interaction, boys and girls in junior high schools attempt to first prefer the same preferences and aesthetic judgment regarding “three-dimensional section ", followed by " color with realism shadow ", "plane coloring" is the least popular. 4. The results are similar for junior high school boys and girls regarding preferences and aesthetic judgment. Finally, based on the conclusions of this study, possible factors are discussed and recommended.
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