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研究生: 黃亞珮
Huang, Ya-Pei
論文名稱: 碳交易:文獻計量分析
Carbon trading: bibliometric analysis
指導教授: 吳彥濬
Wu, Yen-Chun
口試委員: 吳彥濬
Wu, Yen-Chun
Huang, Shi-bin
Wang, Chih-yuan
口試日期: 2024/07/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 碳排放管理碳交易文獻回顧分析
英文關鍵詞: Carbon emission management, carbon trading, bibliometric analysis
研究方法: 文件分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401748
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:8
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  • 本研究針對碳交易領域的文獻進行系統性的計量分析,目的在評估碳交易的有效性及其對減排目標的影響。研究的主要目的是通過量化文獻的發表趨勢、分析主要研究者及其合作網絡、探討關鍵字的共現情況,以及評估文獻引用情況,從而全面了解碳交易的研究現狀和發展動態。研究結果顯示,碳交易相關文獻在過去20多年中顯著增長,尤其是在最近幾年,這一增長趨勢反映碳交易在全球環境政策和經濟學研究中的重要性日益增加。具體而言,從2001年京都議定書的簽署開始,碳交易的研究逐漸受到學術界的重視,文獻數量從最初的幾篇逐年增加,這一增長不僅顯示研究熱度的提升,也反映碳交易作為應對氣候變化的重要工具的地位。

    This study conducts a systematic quantitative analysis of the literature in the field of carbon trading, with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of carbon trading and its impact on emission reduction targets. The main purpose of the study is to comprehensively understand the research status and development trends of carbon trading by quantifying the publication trends of literature, analyzing the main researchers and their collaboration networks, exploring the co-occurrence of keywords, and evaluating the citations of the literature. The research results show that the literature related to carbon trading has grown significantly over the past 20 years, especially in recent years. This growth trend reflects the increasing importance of carbon trading in global environmental policy and economics research. Specifically, since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 2001, the research on carbon trading has gradually attracted academic attention, and the number of documents has increased year by year from the initial few. This growth not only shows the increase in research interest, but also reflects the role of carbon trading as an important tool in the fight against climate change.
    In the bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer and SciMat were used to conduct an in-depth analysis of 861 documents. The study first examined the collaboration network among authors and found that some highly influential authors played key roles in carbon trading research. The collaboration patterns of these authors show a clear clustering effect, indicating that interdisciplinary collaboration is increasing in carbon trading research, especially in the fields of environmental science, economics, and management. In addition, the study also analyzes the co-occurrence of keywords and identifies the main themes in carbon trading research and their evolution. The results show that with the advancement of carbon trading policies, the research focus has gradually shifted from initial policy design and implementation effects to in-depth discussions on the carbon market operating mechanism, carbon pricing and its impact on the economy. This change reflects the academic community’s increasing attention to carbon trading practices and promotes the development of related theories. In the evaluation of literature citations, the study found that certain documents have a significant impact on the development of the carbon trading field. These documents not only provide a theoretical basis for subsequent research, but also provide empirical support for policymakers. The analysis of these highly cited documents helps identify key hot spots and cutting-edge issues in carbon trading research and provides guidance for future research directions.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 碳權由來及定義 2 第三節 研究目的與問題 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第三章 研究方法 9 第一節 研究流程 9 第二節 數據蒐集 12 第三節 定義適當的搜尋詞 15 第四節 初步搜尋結果 18 第四章 結果 19 第一節 發表趨勢 19 第二節 共同作者與作者網絡圖 20 第三節 共同作者與國家關係的文獻計量分析 24 第四節 關鍵字共現的文獻計量分析 31 第五節 文獻引用的文獻計量分析 34 第六節 按來源引用的文獻計量分析 37 第七節 主題和趨勢主題的文獻計量分析 39 第五章 結論與建議 42 參考文獻 45

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