簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 薛光耀
Kuang-Yao Syue
論文名稱: 儲存執行狀態來加速可達性測試的研究
State Storing in Prefix-Based Replay to Accelerate the Reachability Testing
指導教授: 黃冠寰
Hwang, Gwan-Hwan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 軟體測試
英文關鍵詞: software testing, reachability testing,, web service, dynamic effective testing, nondeterministic behavior, prefix-based replay
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:430下載:2
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  • 在軟體測試上,我們的reachability testing[1]主要就是針對並行程式來作分析測試的,它最主要的目的就是要把所有同步事件的interleaves找出來以供使用者分析參考,針對這一方面的研究,有提高效能的,也有向外應用的研究,例如web service、dynamic effective testing、多核心競爭的分析等等。
      這項研究主要的目的就是改進reachability testing系統的效能,在提高reachability testing系統效能上的議題也蠻多人作研究。在現實生活中,我們所測試的並行程式軟體,一定會相當的龐大,在跑reachability testing 會很耗時,有的時候也許會是五、六個小時,大者甚至一個禮拜左右,像這樣我們一定要提升這個系統的效能,對著此系統作假設、省略和一些演算法的改進。我的研究最主要是針對reachability testing裡的prefix-based replay作改進,保留目前執行的狀態,到下次執行prefix-based replay的時候,利用restore state的方法直接到目的地去執行replay,使用這樣的方式去提高我們reachability testing的效能。目前對提高效能的方面已經有相當的成果了,在未來的工作是要跟目前dynamic effective testing作整合 ,也可以在裡面利用此方法,來作更進一步的提高效率的功能。

    In software testing, our reachability testing [1] for concurrent program is mainly for testing, which main purpose is to find out all the interleaves for user analysis of reference for research in this area, there are improve the performance, but also from outside the application of research, such as web service, dynamic effective testing, analysis of multi-core competition and so on.
      The main purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness of the system reachability testing, reachability testing system to improve performance also were the subject of further study. In real life, we have a concurrent software, and it will be quite large. Running reachability testing will be very time-consuming, and some time may be five or six hours, or even the largest of about a week like this. We enhance the effectiveness of the system, make any assumptions at this system, omitted, and some algorithm improvements. My research is mainly in the reachability testing for prefix-based replay for improvement. It would retain the current status of execution to the next prefix-based replay ,it would jump directly to the destination to do it, and use this method to accelerate reachability testing. At present, this method has been in the fine performance of the experimental results.In future work, it would be with the current dynamic effective testing for integration, it could also use this method to further improve the efficiency they provide.

    中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. II 1. 簡介 ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 SOFTWARE TESTING ............................................................................................ 2 1.1.1 Static analysis............................................................................................. 4 1.1.2 Dynamic testing ......................................................................................... 5 1.2 APPROACHES TO TESTING CONCURRENT SOFTWARE .......................................... 5 1.2.1 Nondeterministic Testing ........................................................................... 6 1.2.2 Deterministic Testing ................................................................................. 7 1.2.3 Reachability Testing ................................................................................... 8 1.2.4 Model Checking ....................................................................................... 12 1.2.5 Dynamic Effective testing(DET) ............................................................. 12 1.2.6 State Storing in Prefix-Based Replay ...................................................... 16 2. 文獻探討 .............................................................................................................. 19 2.1 REACHABILITY TESTING ................................................................................... 19 2.2 RACE GRAPH .................................................................................................... 20 2.3 TESTING CONCURRENT PROGRAMS USING VALUE SCHEDULES .......................... 21 3. 實作方法 ................................................................................................................ 24 3.1 設計STATE ....................................................................................................... 25 3.2 針對ENTRY和EXIT PROTOCOL的修改 ........................................................... 28 3.3 RESTORE和STORE STATE的時間點 ................................................................ 31 3.4 PREFIX-BASED REPLAY主程式裡面的修改 .............................................................. 37 IV 3.5 特殊的並行程式 ................................................................................................................ 41 4. 實驗結果 .............................................................................................................. 47 5. 討論和未來工作 .................................................................................................. 59 6. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 60

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