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研究生: 鄭詠欣
Cheng, Yung-Hsin
論文名稱: 自媒體的攝影敘事策略對登山運動意願影響之研究
The Strategies of Narrative Photography from Self-Media on Mountaineering Behavior
指導教授: 邱于平
Chiu, Yu-Ping
口試委員: 謝艾芸
Hsieh, Ai-Yun
Chang, Shu-Chen
Chiu, Yu-Ping
口試日期: 2023/01/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: Fitspiration攝影構圖攝影主題運動自我效能社會影響理論
英文關鍵詞: Fitspiration, Photographic Composition, Photographic Theme, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Social Influence Theory
研究方法: 問卷調查法眼動追蹤實驗法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300084
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:292下載:27
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  • 本研究主要探討Fitspiration主題標籤與照片在Instagram興起,吸引許多瀏覽者的關注目光,又以戶外登山運動照片為實驗情境素材,但其照片內容化的視覺構圖及主題是否會影響一般大眾,進而助於提升登山運動的參與意願是研究目的。



    In the rise of inspiration hashtags and photos on Instagram, mountaineering sports photos as content have gained a lot of interest, and that can affect the general public, especially the general public through the visual compositions and themes of the pictures. The purpose of this study is to increase the willingness to participate in mountaineering.

    From the perspective of social influence theory, this study adopts "three visual compositions (symmetrical, triangular, and diagonal)" and "three themes (plain landscape, portrait, and business partner)" defined by scholars. Two research methods: "exercise tracking experiment" and "questionnaire survey". Questionnaire items include: attitude, behavioral intention, self-improvement motivation, exercise self-efficacy, and work out intention scales, a total of five scales, data processing with single factor analysis of variance, and after completing the scale items, invite mountaineering experts, photographers, graphic communication scholars and other relevant personnel to assist in reviewing the semantic suitability of the questionnaire as a reference for expert validity. At the same time, this study also used eye-tracking experiments to record the time and frequency of subjects staying in the experimental photo page blocks, so as to clarify the browsing area where the viewers actually viewed the situational photos.

    In this study, participants are primarily Instagram users who searched for Fitspiration hashtags or followed Fitspiration-related hashtags. There are 861 participants in the questionnaire survey sample and 53 participants in the eye-tracking experimental research sample. As a result of the study, it was found that when people upload photos of mountaineering to Instagram with Fitspiration meanings, they can take photos that have the capacity to attract the attention of viewers through the operation of three basic composition techniques, thus resulting in subsequent psychological and behavioral effects, of which the triangular composition is the most effective in creating psychological behavior, so that the viewer can generate the self according to the photographic operation level and thus has a positive impact on the degree of participation in mountaineering. This study echoes the government's response to the new movement in the prevention of COVID-19. It is expected to promote physical health, cultivate exercise habits, and provide theoretical contributions and practical suggestions.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 6 第三節 研究目的與問題 10 第四節 研究範圍與限制 11 第五節 研究流程 12 第貳章 文獻探討 13 第一節 社群媒體內容力 13 第二節 傳統攝影到數位攝影內容力 20 第三節 運動自我效能 32 第四節 運動意圖 34 第五節 提出假說 35 第參章 問卷調查法 37 第一節 研究架構 37 第二節 研究方法 39 第三節 前測結果 46 第四節 研究結果與討論 50 第肆章 眼動追蹤實驗法 66 第一節 研究方法 66 第二節 研究結果與討論 75 第伍章 研究結論與建議 78 第一節 研究結果與發現 78 第二節 理論意涵 81 第三節 實務意涵 82 第四節 研究限制 85 第五節 未來研究建議 87 參考文獻 88 附錄一、研究量表之問項內容與參考文獻 97 附錄二、變項操弄與衡量之9組照片構圖與主題解說 98 附錄三、研究之正式問卷 101 附錄四、論文研究進度甘特圖 104

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