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研究生: 李莎蕊
Rietdijk, Chantalle Elisabeth
論文名稱: 後政治城市中的社會住宅實踐?大台北都會區住宅正義研究
Social Housing Implementation in a Post-Political City? An Investigation into Housing Justice in the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Area
指導教授: 王文誠
Wang, Wen-Cheng
口試委員: 金家禾
Ching, Chia-Ho
Hsieh, Yu-Chieh
Lin, Wen-I
Song, Yu-Ling
Su, Shew-Jiuan
Wang, Wen-Cheng
口試日期: 2022/04/21
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 328
英文關鍵詞: Social housing, Urban politics, Post-political, Urban development, Democratisation, Urban policy
研究方法: 言談分析深度訪談法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200449
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:255下載:20
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  • 這篇博士論文中,研究了台北市和新北市導入社會租賃住宅政策的成因。運用論述分析於政府官員、政治家和社會運動者對可負擔住房的看法,以及該論述在政策文件和社會住宅計畫中的具體化,以確定主導的論述。社會住宅的主流說法是:政府興建社會住宅,作為買不起房的年輕人的暫時解決方案,讓他們可以儲蓄購屋或在私人市場租房。接著,透過應用 Young (2011) 和 Fraser (1998) 的社會正義理論,討論了這些計畫對住宅正義的貢獻。此外,還進行了與私人租賃市場可負擔能力分析和比較。可以得出結論,社會住宅政策不是旨在提高弱勢公民地位的社會政策,而是提高中產階級「青年」在住房市場中的地位。社會住宅政策正在解決代間財富差異,而不是代內差異。此外,當前關於住宅的敘事並沒有透過政策而改變。

    In this PhD-dissertation the reasons behind the introduction of the social rental housing policy in Taipei and New Taipei City are examined. Discourse analysis is applied on the perception on affordable housing of government officials, politicians and social movements and the materialisations of this discourse in policy documents and social housing projects to determine the dominant discourse. The dominant discourse on social housing presents as: Social housing build by the government as a temporary solution for young people that cannot afford to buy a house, so that they can save money for buying a house or renting in the private market. Subsequently, by applying theory on social justice by Young (2011) and Fraser (1998) the contribution of these projects to housing justice are discussed. In addition, an affordability analysis and comparison with the private rental market are conducted. It can be concluded that the social housing policy is not a social policy aiming at improving the position of disadvantaged citizens, but instead improves the position of middle-class ‘youth’ in the housing market. The social housing policy is addressing intergenerational wealth differences instead of intragenerational ones. Furthermore, is the current narrative on housing not transformed through the policy.
    In a detailed study of the election programs of candidates for the position of city councillor in Taipei and New Taipei City a consensus on ‘good’ urban development in the urban political arena is found that focusses on economic growth of the cities’ economies and climbing in the international global cities ranking. High variability within parties and consensus between parties are present, which resonates with the definition of a post-political city, where governing is perceived as managing and neoliberal thinking is prevalent in policy development. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of urban development policy documents and interviews with city councillors, local government representatives and social movements.
    Social policy introduction and democratisation are linked concepts in western literature. However, democratisation in East Asian countries follows a different path and social policy introduction is a result of electoral competition. This research on the introduction of the new social rental housing policy shows the limits of ‘social’ policy introduction through electoral politics, when a political party representing the interests of the lower class is absent. In order to counteract neoliberal urban development the urban political arena has to focus on urban issues and steer away from the persisting cleavage is society, which is reunification – democratisation.

    Table of contents Acknowledgements i Chinese abstract ii English abstract iii Table of contents iv List of tables vii List of figures ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Problem statement 2 1.2 Research questions 3 1.3 Aims 4 1.4 Research setting 5 1.4.1 Geographic setting and demography 5 1.4.2 Economic setting 9 1.4.3 Social and cultural setting 10 1.5 Research justification 11 1.6 Thesis structure 11 2. Literature review 13 2.1 Social rental housing 14 2.1.1 Western social housing discourse 14 2.1.2 Taiwan’s history of affordable housing 22 2.1.3 Current housing market and the position of social housing 24 2.1.4 Key points 30 2.2 Housing and social justice 30 2.2.1 Social justice 30 2.2.2 Housing justice 34 2.2.3 Intergenerational justice 37 2.2.4 Key points 41 2.3 Democracy and social policy 41 2.3.1 Western liberal democracy 42 2.3.2 Consensus politics 46 2.3.3 Post-democracy 48 2.3.4 Democratic development in Taiwan 50 2.3.5 Key points 60 2.4 Urban politics and urban development 61 2.4.1 The functions of cities 61 2.4.2 The politics of urban development 62 2.4.3 The Post-Political City 65 2.4.4 Key points 67 3. Research methods 69 3.1 Introduction 70 3.2 Theoretical framework 70 3.3 Conceptual framework 73 3.4 Methodology 76 3.4.1 Discourse 76 3.4.2 Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis 76 3.5 Research design 78 3.5.1 Language 78 3.5.2 Research ethics 80 3.5.3 Positionality statement 81 3.6 Data collection and processing 84 3.6.1 Interviews 84 3.6.2 Texts 87 3.6.3 Materialities 93 3.6.4 Anticipated problems 94 3.7 Data analysis 95 3.7.1 Application of discourse analysis 95 3.7.2 Analysing materialities 101 3.7.3 Presentation of results 102 3.8 Justification of research method 102 4. Results and discussion 104 4.1 Introduction 105 4.2 Social housing: The construction of a discourse 106 4.2.1 Introduction 106 4.2.2 Social rental housing and elections 106 4.2.3 Target group 111 4.2.4 Implementation 125 4.2.5 Initiative and financialization 140 4.2.6 Discourse construction 152 4.2.7 Conclusion 166 4.3 Social housing, housing justice? 167 4.3.1 Introduction 167 4.3.2 Materialities 168 4.3.3 Transformation of the housing market 193 4.3.4 Conclusion 197 4.4 Neoliberal urban development 199 4.4.1 Introduction 199 4.4.2 The city as growth machine 200 4.4.3 Urban development discourse 210 4.4.4 Implications of consensus for urban development 235 4.4.5 Conclusion 240 4.5 Assemblage and the post-political city 241 4.5.1 Introduction 241 4.5.2 The urban political arena 242 4.5.3 A Post-Political City? 254 4.5.4 Democratic momentum 256 4.5.5 Conclusion 259 4.6 Social housing policy introduction in neoliberal Taiwan 260 4.6.1 Introduction 260 4.6.2 Democratisation: An opportunity for social policy? 260 4.6.3 Social housing: A tool for initiating change? 264 4.6.4 Theory adjustment, universal applications and a word of warning 266 5. Conclusions 270 6. Bibliography 275 7. Appendices 287 7.1 Election statements candidates district 2 Taipei City Neihu/Nangang, 288 7.2 Discourse per political party district 2 Taipei City Neihu/Nangang 302 7.3 Urban policy document excerpts 313 7.4 Election statements comparisons 318 7.5 Comparison social housing units with the private rental market 322

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