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研究生: 蔡春風
Chun-Feng Tsai
論文名稱: 透過建模與多重表徵教學探討高二學生的建模能力與概念改變-以空間概念為例
Investigating High School Students' Modeling Ability and Conceptual Change about the Concept of Three-Dimensional Space Using Modeling and Multiple Representation Approaches
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 196
中文關鍵詞: 空間概念建模多重表徵心智模式概念改變
英文關鍵詞: Three-Dimensional Space, Modeling, Multiple Representation, Mental Model, Conceptual Change
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:54
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  • 本研究旨在透過科學建模與科學概念改變理論的觀點來探討學生在學習數學上的空間概念時的建模能力與概念改變。在本研究中,研究者發展了一套為期六週、以建模與多重表徵為設計基礎的數學課程,並在一所普通高中內實際進行教學。研究者將三個班級(共125位高二學生)透過方便性取樣分為建模與表徵組(MR)、表徵組(R)與控制組(C)等三組。其中建模與表徵組(簡稱建表組)與表徵組由研究者進行教學,而控制組則由該校一位經驗豐富的數學教師進行教學。

    在本研究中,研究者修改了張志康和邱美虹(2009)所提出的「建模能力分析指標(Modeling Ability Analytic Index, MAAI)」,發展了一套多面向的概念試題,在每單元結束後各施測一次,以作為評量與分析的依據。該試題共有五個單元,每個單元均包含許多開放性問題;學生必須完整地進行答題與解釋,才能獲得高分。在後測結束後,每位學生均接受為時20至30分鐘訪談,以協助研究者確認對學生所持之心智模式的歸類是合理的。此外,研究者尚挑選了27位持有不同心智模式與建模能力的標的學生進行為時1小時的深度訪談;此深度訪談旨在深入探討這些學生的心智模式與建模能力,以作為典型個案的呈現。本研究所有的研究工具均經過信效度檢驗,並達到合理標準。


    This empirical study aims to investigate high school students' modeling ability and conceptual change about the concept of three-dimensional space in mathematics. In this study, the researcher developed a 6-week high school mathematics curriculum and put it into teaching via the use of modeling and multiple representation approaches. According to the research design, three different classes with 125 11th grade students in total were assigned into three different groups correspondingly, named as the Modeling and Multiple Representation Group (MR), the Multiple Representation Group (R), and the Control Group (C). During the 6-week teaching schedule, the two experimental groups were taught by the researcher, while the control group was taught by an experienced mathematics teacher in the same school.

    In order to improve the accuracy on investigating and measuring students' modeling ability and conceptual change, the researcher modified the "Modeling Ability Analytic Index (MAAI; Chang & Chiu, 2009)", and then developed and conducted a set of tests after each unit. Each test contained several open-ended problems, in which students' full explanations were required to score high and solve the problem progressively and completely. After the posttest, each student was interviewed to clarify the researcher's classification toward students' mental models. Furthermore, the researcher selected 20 target students with different mental models and different modeling abilities, interviewed individually for an hour to reveal their modeling and conceptual change paths as typical cases. All the research tools were examined with proper validity.

    After data coding and analysis, the results showed: first, on the perspective of conceptual understanding, all the three groups of students scored significantly higher in the posttest and delayed test than in the pretest. Also, the improvement of students' conceptual understanding in both two experimental groups (MR & R) were significantly better than the students in the control group. Second, students' understanding of three-dimensional space was classified into seven different mental models, named as scientific model (SC), inclined angle model (CL), boundary model (BD), symbolic model (SY), concrete model (CN), two-dimensional extension model (EX), and others (OT). Most students held EX and CN mental models in the first two units, whereas many of them turned to held the SY model in the middle of the curriculum. After instruction, 47.2% students held the scientific model, but there was no significant difference among the three groups at this stage. Third, students showed different types of modeling processes in three groups. Students in the MR group conducted model validation, model deployment, and model reconstruction more frequently than those in the R and C groups. Fourth, students in the MR group scored significantly higher in modeling ability tests; 56% of them were able to retrieve advanced modeling ability. However, there was no significant difference in basic and advanced problem-response ability among the three groups. Fifth, students in MR & R groups used more concrete, verbal, visual and gestural representations than those in the control group. Finally, students in MR and R groups showed positive attitudes toward the curriculum. It is suggested that teachers should develop modeling and multiple representation curriculum and implement in their teaching.

    目錄 ............................................................................................................................... I 表次 ............................................................................................................................... III 圖次 ............................................................................................................................... IV 第壹章緒論 ................................................................................................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ........................................................................................ 2 第二節 研究目的與問題 ........................................................................................ 6 第三節 名詞釋義 .................................................................................................... 9 第四節 研究的重要性 ............................................................................................ 11 第五節 研究範圍 .................................................................................................... 13 第貳章理論架構 ........................................................................................................ 15 第一節 概念改變與心智模式 ................................................................................ 16 第二節 模型與建模 ................................................................................................ 21 第三節 建模能力 .................................................................................................... 29 第四節 多重表徵 .................................................................................................... 34 第五節 透過科學教育觀點檢視數學學習 ............................................................ 37 第六節 空間概念 .................................................................................................... 40 第參章研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 49 第一節 研究設計 .................................................................................................... 50 第二節 研究對象 .................................................................................................... 52 第三節 教材設計 .................................................................................................... 53 第四節 研究工具 .................................................................................................... 56 第五節 研究流程 .................................................................................................... 58 第六節 資料處理與分析 ........................................................................................ 61 II 第肆章研究結果 ........................................................................................................ 64 第一節 學生的概念理解情形 ................................................................................ 66 第二節 學生的心智模式與概念改變 .................................................................... 74 第三節 學生的建模歷程 ........................................................................................ 87 第四節 學生的建模能力 ........................................................................................ 91 第五節 學生的表徵使用 ........................................................................................ 95 第六節 建模與多重表徵課程中的師生互動與情意表現 .................................... 101 第伍章討論 ................................................................................................................ 109 第陸章結論與建議 .................................................................................................... 113 參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 115 附錄 ............................................................................................................................... 125 附錄一 建模歷程結合多重表徵教案範例 ............................................................ 126 附錄二 建模歷程概念試題設計範例 .................................................................... 129 附錄三 建模歷程與答題層次雙向細目表 ............................................................ 134 附錄四 建模歷程結合多重表徵教材範例 ............................................................ 136

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