研究生: |
曾芝妍 Chih-Yen Tseng |
論文名稱: |
博物館融資策略之研究-以大都會博物館、大英博物館及故宮博物院為例 A study on the fundraising strategy of museum industry – A case study of the Metropolitan Museum、the British Museum and the National Palace Museum. |
指導教授: |
Dong, Tse-Ping 吳明政 Wu, Ming-Cheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 126 |
中文關鍵詞: | 博物館財務管理 、博物館募款 、博物館融資行銷 、博物館融資策略 |
英文關鍵詞: | museum fundraising, fundraising, finance of museum, financial strategy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:545 下載:0 |
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Museum in most cases are private non-profit institutions. Over the past ten years museum successful fundraising from corporations and individuals, and increased support from government sources made those facility improvements possible. Most museums are financed largely by the central or local government, along with private philanthropy. Museums with large endowments found themselves reaching deeper into them to cover costs of operating and renovating their facilities. However, the uncertainties of museum marketplace and the economy were manifest again in downturn during the recently years. Museums confront major financial and economic challenges. The economic pressure on many state and local governments has resulted in decreased funding to museums. Many museums found funding public and private sources threatened due to the weakened economy. Museums were faced with the challenge of sustaining program growth and increased fixed costs that resulted from facilities expansion. Museum has considerable in their operating budget because of their commitment to address the challenge to be more relevant, involved, and participatory. In some museum program expansion has outstripped the institution’s financial resources. In the worst circumstances, economic downturns forced some museums to close gallery, cuts staff, reduce hours, or close periodically. The pressures of global competition, government regulations, and technological change have called for important modifications in the roles of financial management in the museum. Many museum leaders view museum’s finances as cyclical, directly related to broad business and economic cycles. Economic cycles affect endowment, investment income, Philanthropic income, and earned income. Other believes that financial pressures besetting museum are structural endemic. Museum mangers found their government funding was reduced at all levels (Federal, state, and local) as a result of shifts in social spending and pressures to curb deficits. It became harder to raise corporate support because corporations were subjected to the economic downturn as well and a greater demand for support from other nonprofits and charities.
Therefore, the study aim is to explore the roles of financial strategy in the museums, and provide a foundation upon which a build a better understanding of fundraising in the future. The allocation of government funding is determined by a museum’s status as a national, regional, or local museum. If the share of government revenues going to museum has declined, these museums increasingly have turned to patrons and private sector sources. Thus, museums have responded to this challenge by working to raise earned income. They need to building attendance through special exhibits, services, events, and retail operations, generating private giving, foundation, and corporate support, employing business practice, marketing, cost cutting, and outsourcing. The objective of this study is to analysis three museums’ financial reports - The Metropolitan Museum、The British Museum and National Palace Museum. To research that increased competition among museums and other leisure-time choices, along with the reduction in government support, have led museums to generate new sources of earned income and to adopt business management models. Finally, Money is critical and important to museums. The successful of fundraising strategy will lead the museum to achieve financial stability.
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三、 網路
American Association of Museums: http://www.aam-us.org/
International Council of Museums: http://www.icom.museum
Museum Loan Network: http://www.mmps-tools.mit.edu
Museum Shops Online: http://www.musee.com
Museum Store Association, Denver, Colorado: http://www.museumdistric.com
Museum Association: http://www.museumsassociation.org/home
Smithsonian Institution: http://www.si.edu/
The Metropolitan Museum: http://www.MetMuseum.org
The British Museum: http://www.britishmuseum.org/default.aspx
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國立故宮博物院 http://www.npm.gov.tw/npmwebadmin.jsp?do=index
中華民國博物館協會 http://www.cam.org.tw/
行政院研究發展考核委員會網站: http://www.reform.nat.gov.tw/pageGenerater224