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研究生: 陳貝莉
Pachasiri Saengsuwan
論文名稱: 泰國消費者對於Uber計程車搭乘意願之研究
A Study on Uber Taxi Riding Intention of Thailand Consumers
指導教授: 周世玉
Chou, Shih-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 優步行為意圖服務品質感知價值滿意
英文關鍵詞: Uber, Behavioural intention, Service quality, Perceived value, Satisfaction
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203928
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:26
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  • 社群網站於現今生活中扮演重要的角色,特別是教育部份隨著科技進步也有了新的發展。本研究的目標為乘客對於應用程式「優步」(Uber)之行為意圖(Behavioral Intention)。此研究中調查幾項因素可能會對乘客之行為意圖造成影響,如:服務品質(Service Quality)、感知價值(Perceived Value)和滿意程度(Satisfaction)。在研究中調查了三百位在泰國曼谷的優步使用者。我們以迴歸分析進行研究假設的檢驗。分析結果顯示服務品質對感知價值有正向影響,服務品質對滿意度有正向影響,服務品質對行為意圖亦有正向之影響。另外,感知價值對滿意度有正向影響,感知價值對行為意圖亦有正向之影響。最後,滿意度對於行為意圖也是有正向的影響。最後本研究之Uber研究限制與未來研究建議

    Mobile application plays an important role in our daily lives, especially with regard to education in new developments available through technology. The intentions of passengers’ behavior that used the service from the application of Uber passengers were the objectives of this research. This study investigated the factors which impacted on Uber passengers’ behavioral intentions such as service quality, perceived value, and satisfaction. The research sample consisted of 300 Uber passengers in Bangkok, Thailand. The data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis using principal linear regression. The results determined that service quality has a positive influence on perceived value, service quality has a positive influence on satisfaction, service quality has a positive impact on behavioral intention, perceived value has a positive effect on satisfaction, perceived value has a positive influence on behavioral intention, and satisfaction has a positive influence on behavioral intention.

    Table of Contents Abstract i 摘要 ii Acknowledgement iii Table of Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables vii CHAPTER 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Background 8 1.2 Statement of the problem 8 1.3 The proposes of this research 9 1.4 Significances of this research 9 1.5 Scope and limitations 9 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Theoretical of variables and hypotheses 11 2.1.1 Definition of behavioral intention 11 2.1.2 Definition of perceived value 12 2.1.3 Definition of satisfaction 13 2.1.4 Definition of service quality 13 2.2 What is Uber? 15 2.3 Uber in Thailand 15 2.4 Research Framework 16 2.5 Research Hypothesis 16 CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology 18 3.1 Research design 18 3.2 Construct of measuring variables 19 3.2.1 Service quality 19 3.2.2 Perceived value 20 3.2.3 Satisfaction 20 3.2.4 Behavioral intention 20 3.3 Data Collection 20 3.4 Data Analysis and methodology 21 3.6.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis 21 3.6.2 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis 21 CHAPTER 4 Data Analysis and result 22 4.1 Measuring Variables data analysis and results 22 4.2 Demographics Data of Sample 25 4.3 Reliability Analysis 27 4.5 Hypothesis Testing 27 CHAPTER 5 Conclusion and Suggestions 34 5.1 Research Findings and Conclusion 34 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 37 REFERENCE 39 APPENDIX A 43 APPENDIX B 46 List of Figures Figure1 The conceptual framework 16 Figure2 The estimate conceptual framework 36 List of Tables Table 1 The mean ( ) and the standard deviation (S.D.) of the samples 23 Table 2 The number of frequency and percentage of the samples - Gender of respondents 25 Table 3The number of frequency and percentage of the samples - Ages of respondents 25 Table 4 the number of frequency and percentage of the samples – Marital status of respondents 26 Table 5 the number of frequency and percentage of the samples - Highest education level of respondents 26 Table 6 the number of frequency and percentage of the samples – Income per month of respondents 26 Table 7 Reliability Analysis Result for the Measures (Cronbach’s Alpha) 27 Table 8 Summary of simple regression model results 28 Table 9 Summary of multiple regression model results 32 Table 10 Summary of Hypothesis Results 33


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