研究生: |
李孟鴻 Meng Hong, Lee |
論文名稱: |
台北市中高年齡者生活型態與機能服飾消費價值之關聯性研究 A Study of Taipei Elder’s Lifestyle and its Relations to the Consumer Values of the Functional Clothing |
指導教授: | 楊翠竹 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 中高齡者 、生活型態 、服飾價值觀 、機能性服飾消費價值觀 |
英文關鍵詞: | Elder, Lifestyles, Clothing Values, Consumer Values of Functional Clothing |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:467 下載:46 |
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本研究目的是探討台北市中高齡者生活型態、服飾價值觀與機能服飾消費價值觀之間的關聯。本研究一方面探究台北市中高齡者的生活型態樣貌與服飾價值觀、並以機能性服飾商品為標的探究中高齡者生活型態、服飾價值觀以及機能性服飾消費價值間的關聯性。本研究採問卷調查法,以台北市12行政區中50至65歲的中高齡者為對象,於公共場域進行定點隨機邀約訪談,本研究成功邀約306人參與調查,本研究採用Plummer (1974)所提出之AIO「生活型態量表」,並從焦點團體訪談所獲得的資料發展「服飾價值觀量表」與「機能性服飾消費價值觀量表」。
This study was to explore how the Taipei elder’s lifestyle can be divided and described. The study also tried to understand the relationship among the elder’s lifestyles, clothing values and the consumer values of functional clothing. A survey method with a self-developed questionnaire was used to conduct this research.
The results identified five types of lifestyles; including “Confidence”, “Achiever”, “Conversative”, “Struggler” and “Carelessness”. Each group has it’s characteristics in clothing values and the consumer values of functional clothing. In clothing values, “confidence” focus on aesthetic value and social value, ” achiever” focus on social value, “conversative”, “struggler” focus on social value, but not concerned aesthetic value, “carelessness” consider that clothing is a daliy use, all clothing values are not focused. Perceptive value is not different in any group, which means elder’s clothing physiological feelings and clothing emotion are similar.
In the consumer values of functional clothing, “confidence” focus on efficient value and moral value, ”achiever” focus on efficient value and economic value, and “conversative”, “struggler”, “carelessness” consider that functional clothing is no difference with general clothing, so they didn’t focus on any consumer values of the functional clothing. Besides, aesthetic value and empirical value are not different in any group, which means elders has same view in functional clothing exterior and same assesses in functional clothing massege.
With regression analysis, research finding that lifestyles can significant predictors to clothing values and consumer values of the functional clothing, at same time, clothing values also can significant predictors to consumer values of the functional clothing. With simultaneous multiple regression analysis, clothing values is verified partial intermediary variable.
This research shows elder’s lifestyles, clothing values and consumer values of the functional clothing in nowadays, at the same time, also indicates that elder’s consumer values will be changed depends on category of products.
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