研究生: |
蔡維玲 |
論文名稱: |
集聚.等待 — 蔡維玲都市群像彩墨探討 Gathering.Waiting – A Study of Group Images in Cities with the Approach of Colored Ink Painting |
指導教授: | 李振明 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 74 |
中文關鍵詞: | 群像 、人物 、都市 、布白 、皴法肌理 |
英文關鍵詞: | Figures of gatherings, figures, cities, unpainted spatial management, the method of showing shades and textures by using light and dry ink strokes |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:324 下載:52 |
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This research has its starting point focused on the social meanings of images in paintings, discussing the gathering phenomenon human beings and trying to draw out the linkage between the theories of human gathering’s features and the images and paintings. Also, beyond mere art’s point of views, the research is also conducted from the perspective of group psychology and city study to explore the infectious behavior of the curiosity, blindly obedience, imitation, and desire among people, seeking for more versatile directions to help adjust the mental performance of characters in a painting image.
The folklore painting Spring Festival on the River depicting ordinary people displays some gatherings of people in early Song Dynasty. These phenomena happening more than 800 years ago in cities and how human are prone to gather still happen repeatedly on a streets in today’s world. Thus, the dissertation focuses on the eternity parts in humanity, the prosperity and crowds of cities for analyses, discussing the habitual sides of human beings and social conditions, then applying them to the organization of the structure in figure paintings.
The emphasis of social criticism can be found in Beggars and Street Characters, which displays the reflection and criticism aiming at social conditions. Through the discussion of social care based on Beggars and Street Characters, paintings are apparently a society’s necessities when it comes to caring about the society. Besides, Beggars and Street Characters is the most appropriate work that stands for Chinese figure paintings which displays the perspective of multiple vanishing points seen in landscapes. Displaying figures in a perspective of multiple vanishing points helps people’s lining up extend beyond limit; it helps construct a broad horizon for far-reaching scenery; it encapsulate the whole universe in small units to facilitate us in our traveling between different spaces.
“The spatial management” is a key factor in the establishment of the atmosphere in the whole image; the unpainted spatial management even carries the importance of the air flow in an image. In the dissertation, two points of view are given for the discussion of unpainted spatial management: 1. The concepts of the visible in the invisible and the invisible in the visible. 2. The great capacity in sparse space and the intensely dense space constructed in images and. The dissertation will discuss how a balance can be reached between unpainted space and density.
The method of showing the shades and the textures by light or dry ink strokes is also the focus in discussion. Landscapes contains the skills of && to create a surface. The dissertation discusses the possibility of applying the same idea into the surface of clothes in figures with the same effect of the possible wrinkles seen in leaves in a painting. The dissertation contains the possibility of another road to take to develop && skin texture into figure paintings, which have emphasis more on the sense of beauty for lines and curves.
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