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研究生: 陳文元
論文名稱: 有理式克漏字測驗與篇章結構測驗關係研究
The Relationship Between the Rational Cloze Test and the Discourse Structure Test
指導教授: 曾文鐽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 克漏字測驗篇章結構測驗銜接性連貫性大學指考
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:33
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  • 克漏字解題過程相關研究指出,透過事先嚴謹辨析篇章的關連性,克漏字測驗為一種可以檢測特定語言能力如銜接性(cohesion)的測驗工具(Bachman, 1982, 1985; Fotos, 1991; Stubbs & Tucker, 1974)。這種特別發展出來的克漏字測驗通常稱為有理式克漏字(the rational cloze),有別於傳統上以特定每幾個字為單位來刪去字詞所產生的克漏字測驗。自民國七十一年起,有理式克漏字測驗包含在大學聯考英文科測驗裡(現在稱為大學指考英文科考試)。應用有理式測驗方法,這樣的評量可以產生以句構或是篇章為層面的試題。然而,自民國九十一年起,大學指定科目考試英文科測驗開始採用篇章結構此ㄧ新測驗形式。篇章結構測驗類似有理式克漏字測驗一樣帶有填補空缺訊息的性質。這種測驗從一篇短文當中擷取五個完整的句子作為需要填補闕漏訊息的空格。受試者必須從這五個選項當中做選擇來恢復文章的原貌。根據Halliday和Hasan (1976)的語言分析,銜接性提供聽者或是讀者填補文本中遺漏訊息所需的連續性。因為文章中的空白處會產生訊息的不連續性,我們可以假設銜接性(尤其是句子間的銜接性)對於篇章結構測驗的表現非常關鍵。然而,單就篇章結構測驗的分數也許只能表示受試者答題的良莠程度。整個答題過程中牽涉了哪些銜接性例如指涉性(reference),連結性(conjunction)和詞彙銜接性(lexical cohesion)等也許無法直接反映出來。以Halliday和Hasan (1976)的理論為基礎,發展一個涵括三種銜接性次類別(如指涉性,連結性和詞彙銜接性)的有理式克漏字測驗來詮釋篇章結構測驗分數之意義是有需要的。

    Considerable research on cloze procedures has shown that through meticulous, a priori identification of textual relationships, a cloze test can serve as an adequate measure yielding items that elicit specific language skills such as knowledge of cohesion (Bachman, 1982, 1985; Fotos, 1991; Stubbs & Tucker, 1974). This specifically constructed test is the product of the rational cloze procedure, as distinguished from the traditional, fixed-ratio deletion of every nth word. Since 1982, the rational cloze test format has been incorporated in the Joint College Entrance Examination (a term currently replaced by the Department Required English Test, DRET). With the rational approach, such a test can sample a variety of items at the syntactic and discoursal levels. However, the Discourse Structure Test (DST), a new test format with a gap-filling, cloze-like nature similar to that of the rational cloze test, has been adopted as an individual component in the DRET since 2002. The DST yields five blanks by extracting five complete sentences from a short passage. The test-takers have to choose among these alternatives to restore the text. Based on Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) linguistic analysis, cohesion provides the “continuity” that enables a listener or reader to restore the “missing pieces” in a text (p. 299). It can be hypothesized that knowledge of cohesion (especially intersentential cohesion) is critical for testees’ performance on the DST, in which each blank generates discontinuity in the text. Nonetheless, scores on the DST alone may only reveal how satisfactorily the test-takers tackle the test. Which aspects of cohesion (e.g., reference, conjunction or lexical cohesion) involved in the overall problem-solving process may not be projected straightforwardly. To interpret the DST scores on the theoretical ground of Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) paradigm, a rational cloze test (RCT) comprising three subtests assessing different dimensions of cohesion (i.e., reference, conjunction and lexical cohesion) would be desirable.
    With intersentential cohesion argued to be critical for successful closure of the DST and the cohesion-based RCT, questions arose as to the extent to which the two tests were equivalent and how the RCT subtests predicted performance on the DST. The present study aimed to address these issues and investigate the relationship between the two gap-filling tests. A total of 354 students at a senior high school in central Taiwan participated. In a repeated-measure design, the DST was administered first in a session lasting about fifty minutes. The RCT was distributed to the same participants in another session. The interval between the two sessions was approximately two weeks. For data analyses, three phases were performed on 1) the reliability of both tests and validity of the RCT; 2) test equating of both tests; and 3) regression of the DST on the RCT and its subtests. The results showed that the two test formats were statistically inequivalent and that lexical cohesion functioned as the most influential predictor on students’ performance on the DST. Based on research findings, pedagogical implications can be drawn for English instruction and language testing.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………………………………...i Abstract (English) …………………………………………………………………....iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………….......v TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………..vi LIST OF TABLES…………………...…………………………………………..…....ix LIST OF FIGURES………………….………………………………………………...x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION……...…………………………………………..1 Background…………………………………….………………………...……....1 Motivation……………………………………………………………………......6 Purposes and Research Questions of the Study……………………………..…....6 Research Hypotheses…………………………………………………………......7 Definition of Terms…………………………………………………..…………..7 Significance of the Study…………………………………………………...……9 Organization of the Thesis…………………………………………………..……9 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………..…..10 The Development of the Cloze Test………………………………………….…10 The Inception of the Cloze Procedure………………………………..……10 Theoretical Arguments for the Cloze Procedure……………………..……12 Psycholinguistic Basis for the Cloze Procedure……………………...12 Linguistic Basis for the Cloze Procedure…………………………….14 Cloze as a Measure of Reading Ability……………………………....14 Cloze as a Measure of Overall Proficiency…………………………..15 Cloze as a Measure of Foreign Language Proficiency…………….…16 Types of Modified Formats of Cloze Tests……………………………..…16 Disadvantages of the Fixed-Ratio Deletion Procedure……………....17 The Rational Cloze…………………………………………………...18 The Multiple-Choice Rational Cloze……………………………...…19 The Multiple-Choice Rational Cloze Test in the Department Required English Test………………………………………………………..…21 The C-Test……………………………………………………………23 Considerations for the Selection of Text Materials……………………..…24 Textual Characteristics…………………………………………….…25 Suggestions for Text Selection……………………………………….26 Item Characteristics of Rational Cloze Tests………………………………27 Item Types……………………………………………………………27 Cloze Items Measuring Higher-Order Textual Knowledge…….…….29 Cohesion in English…………………………………………………………….31 Types of Cohesion…………………………………………………………31 Sensitivity of Cohesion to Discourse Constraints…………………………33 Cohesion and Coherence…………………………………………………..34 Discourse Structure Test…………………………………………………...……35 Summary………………………………………………………………………..38 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY………………………………………..……40 Participants……………………………………………………………….......…40 Instruments……………………………………………………………………...41 Materials for the Discourse Structure Test………………………………...41 Materials for the Rational Cloze Test…………………………………...…41 Development of the Rational Cloze Test…………………………………..44 Item Type……………………………………………………………..44 Rational Deletion Procedure………………………………………....45 Design of Distractors………………………………………………....46 Procedures………………………………………………………………………48 Data Collection and Analysis………………………………………………...…48 Independent and Dependent Variables…………………………………….48 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………49 Summary………………………………………………………………………..50 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………................................……51 Overall Results……………………………………………………………….…51 Analyses of Reliability and Validity………………………………….……56 Analyses of Reliability of the Discourse Structure Test and the Rational Cloze Test…………………………………………………...56 Analyses of Validity of the Rational Cloze Test………………...……57 Analysis of Content Validity…………………………………....57 Analysis of Concurrent Validity………………………………...58 Test Equating………………………………………………………………58 Testing the Equivalence of Means…………………………………....58 Testing the Equivalence of Variances………………………………...59 Testing the Equivalence of Inter-Form Covariance…………………..60 Regression Analyses……………………………………………………….62 Linearity of a Regression Model……………………….…………….62 Simple Linear Regression Analysis…………………………………..64 Linear Multiple Regression Analysis………………………………...65 Summary………………………………………………………………………..72 Discussion………………………………………………………………………72 The Establishment of Reliability of the Rational Cloze Test……………...72 Text Type……………………………………………………………..73 Readability Level…………………………………………………….73 Lexical Frequency…………………………………………………....73 Control of the Multiple-Choice Options……………………………..74 Test Administration…………………………………………………..75 The Establishment of Validity of the Rational Cloze Test……………...…76 Global Inequivalence………………………………………………………77 Text Type……………………………………………………………..77 Text Topic…………………………………………………………….78 Text Length…………………………………………………………...78 Test Response………………………………………………………...78 Regression of the Discourse Structure Test on the Rational Cloze Test and the Subtests………………………………………………………………...80 The General Predictive Power of the RCT…………………………...80 The Predictive Power of Cloze A, Cloze B and Cloze C…………….82 Summary……………………………………………………………………..…84 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION..………………………………..…………...……85 General Conclusion…………………………………………………………..…85 Pedagogical Implications………………………………………………….……86 Washback……….…………………………………………….……………87 Diagnostic Use of the Discourse Structure Test…………………..….87 Diagnostic Use of the Rational Cloze Test……………………..…….88 Transfer to Four Skills………………………………………………..88 Design of the Rational Cloze Test……………………………..…………..90 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research……….……..…91 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………….………93 Appendix A: The Discourse Structure Test……………………………………..…..106 Appendix B: Analyses of the Lexical Frequency Profile……………………...……111 Appendix C: Cohesion Subtypes of the Rational Cloze Test Items…………...……114 Appendix D: Item-Choice Analysis (I) ………………………………………..……115 Appendix E: Item-Choice Analysis (II) ………………………………………….…118 Appendix F: The Rational Cloze Test………………………………………………120 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Text Analyses of the DST and RCT Subtests………...…….…..……..…….43 Table 2. An Analysis of the Lexical Frequency Profile on the DST Text…….....…...44 Table 3. An Analysis of the Lexical Frequency Profile on the RCT Text…….....…...44 Table 4. Descriptive Statistics for Grades 10–12…………………………….……....52 Table 5. Descriptive Statistics for Grade 10…………………………………..……...52 Table 6. Descriptive Statistics for Grade 11……………….…………………...…….52 Table 7. Descriptive Statistics for Grade 12………………………………………….53 Table 8. Mean Scores of the RCT Subtests……………………………...……...…....53 Table 9. A Repeated-Measure ANOVA and Multiple Comparisons for the RCT Subtests………………………………………………………………..…….54 Table 10. An Intercorrelation Matrix for the Tests (Grades 10–12) ………..….…….55 Table 11. An Intercorrelation Matrix for the Tests (Grade 10)………………….……55 Table 12. An Intercorrelation Matrix for the Tests (Grade 11)………………...…..…56 Table 13. An Intercorrelation Matrix for the Tests (Grade 12) ………………….…...56 Table 14. Testing the Equivalence of Variance…………………………….....…...….60 Table 15. Testing the Equivalence of Inter-Form Covariance……………….…..…...62 Table 16. Regression Coefficients for the RCT as a Predictor (Grades 10–12)….…..65 Table 17. Regression Coefficients for the RCT Subtests as Predictors (Grades 10–12)...……………………………………...………………..….66 Table 18. A Linear Multiple Regression Analysis (Grades 10–12)……...………..….67 Table 19. A Hierarchical Regression Analysis (Order: Cloze C–B–A)………...…….68 Table 20. A Hierarchical Regression Analysis (Order: Cloze B–C–A)........................68 Table 21. A Hierarchical Regression Analysis (Order: Cloze B–A–C)……………....69 Table 22. A Hierarchical Regression Analysis (Order: Cloze A–B–C)……………....69 Table 23. A Hierarchical Regression Analysis (Order: Cloze A–C–B)………………69 Table 24. A Linear Multiple Regression Analysis (Grade 10)………………….…....71 Table 25. A Linear Multiple Regression Analysis (Grade 11)………….………..…...71 Table 26. A Linear Multiple Regression Analysis (Grade 12)…………………..…...71 Table 27. An Analysis of Word List for Item Choices…………………..…….…..….75 Table 28. An Analysis of Word Level for Item Choices………………..……..…..….75 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. A Scatterplot for the RCT and the DST (Grades 10–12)……..…………....63 Figure 2. A Normal P-P Plot………………..……………………………...….….….64

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