研究生: |
劉香君 Liu, Xiang-Jun |
論文名稱: |
詞素覺識於多媒體單字注釋之學習成效 Effects of Multimedia Glossing Revisited: The Role of Morphological Awareness in Vocabulary Learning |
指導教授: |
Tseng, Wen-Ta |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
中文關鍵詞: | 多媒體注釋 、詞素覺識 、非刻意單字學習 、多媒體學習 |
英文關鍵詞: | multimedia gloss, morphological awareness, incidental vocabulary learning, multimedia learning |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204775 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:371 下載:4 |
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本研究旨在探討將詞素資訊(morphological information)納入多媒體注釋(multimedia gloss)的非刻意單字學習成效(incidental vocabulary learning)。考量詞素覺識(morphological awareness)於單字學習的重要性,實驗聚焦在語文資訊(verbal information)精緻化,意即將詞素資訊加入多媒體注釋以強化字形與字義的連結(form-meaning connection)。
本研究的受試者為一百三十三位來自同一所高中的一年級學生。這些受試者被分配到四組多媒體注釋,分別為英文注釋組,英文加圖片注釋組,英文加詞素資訊注釋組,以及英文加詞素資訊加圖片注釋組。本研究架設網站來呈現一篇五百四十二字的文章,以及十四個目標單字(target words)和四種多媒體注釋。各組受試者參閱單字注釋來理解文章,並接受閱讀測驗。接著,受試者接受立即後測(immediate posttest):一為寫出目標單字意思(production test), 二為辨認目標單字意思(recognition test)。兩週後,本研究進行內容相同唯選項重置的延宕後測(delayed posttest),以了解受試者後續的目標單字學習情形。
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of adding morphological information to multimedia gloss on incidental vocabulary learning. Given the significance of morphological awareness in vocabulary learning, the current research focused on the refinement of verbal device by including morphological information in multimedia gloss to facilitate form-meaning connection. The participants were 133 senior high freshmen assigned to four gloss groups: L2 text, L2 text plus picture, L2 text plus morphological information (MI), and L2 text plus morphological information plus picture (MIP). Students from each group read a 542-word passage online and had a reading comprehension test. They took immediate posttests after that and delayed posttests with rearranged items two weeks later. MANOVA analyses indicated significant multivariate effects for time and for group, but not for the interaction between time and group. ANOVAs and Scheffé post-hoc tests were used to do between-group univariate analyses. The results suggested that morphological information in gloss had significant effects on vocabulary learning. L2 text plus MI gloss was as effective as L2 text plus picture gloss in recognition test and more effective than L2 text plus picture gloss in production test. However, simultaneous display of multiple glossing modality might not be more effective on vocabulary learning than that of dual or single glossing modality. Implications for instructors and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
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