研究生: |
吳聲欣 |
論文名稱: |
學生空間認知特性在國中區域地理教學的應用---以楊梅國中為例 |
指導教授: | 林聖欽 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 185 |
中文關鍵詞: | 空間認知 、國中區域地理教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Spatial cognition, The teaching of junior high school regional Geography |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:311 下載:19 |
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The ideological trend of The Grade 1-9 Curriculum emphasizes the student core teaching and Shi Tian-Fu had also pointed out the concept of ‘space’is the crucial research tradition in Geography. Hence, if we wish teach Geography well, it`s necessary to understand the ‘spatial cognition’of students deeply. This incentive bends this paper toward the research of spatial cognition and Geography teaching.
How do we understand spatial cognition of students thoroughly? This sphere had been treated by many scholars. How many practical effects do these spatial cognitions in the application of Geography teaching? This sphere had almost not been treated. Therefore the first goal of this paper is to find out the spatial cognition characteristics of Yang-Mei junior high school each grade students. The second goal is to offer the teaching principles designed with these spatial cognitions from the first goal and to treat the effect in student learning with the teaching experiment.
In this paper method aspect, the experiment and the contrast class are from each grade the same pre-qualified knowledge two classes chosen by Independent-Sample T Test. Students including each five male and female in mean level Geography achievement from the experiment class draw their cognition map twice. The students’ twice cognition maps are analyzed with eight indexes from experts’ documents. The students’ spatial cognition characteristics are from these eight indexes whose appearance proportion is up to 84.13%. The lesson plan of the experiment class is with the teaching principles from the students’ spatial cognition characteristics, but the contrast one isn’t with these characteristics. Both of the two classes are used the same examination paper designed with the examination principles and unit teaching objectives of Geography teaching.
The teaching experiments are practiced without interference in students’learning and the scheduled teaching progress. Students are told and taught with a camera four times in order to be accustomed to the style teaching.
In the analysis of the teaching result segment, the difference in the scores between this test and peacetime average is proved with Paired-Sample T Test. In the other hand, the student questionnaire is designed from the differences in the teaching principles between the experiment and contrast classes. The teaching principles acknowledged by the students hinge on the 84.13% appearance proportion of the principles represented by the questions in the questionnaire which the students answer‘yes’up to 84.13%.
It is found that the seventh grade spatial cognition characteristics are similar to the eighth. The eighth grade students cognize the space depending on‘more brief’maps and pictures. The ninth grade students are different from the seventh and eighth and chose the prosperous zone as their anchor points in drawing spatial cognition map and the prior anchor point on obvious landmarks.
In the effect of application of spatial cognition characteristics on the teaching of regional Geography, the analysis of examination scores shows the effect in the seventh is the most; the eighth is more, but the ninth isn’t notable. The each grade Geography teaching principles induced from the arrangement of the questionnaires could be reference resources in junior high school regional Geography teaching.
Keywords: Spatial cognition , The teaching of junior high school regional Geography
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