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研究生: 劉聿甄
LIU, Yu-Chen
論文名稱: 臺灣畫廊跨國經營策略論述研究
Discourse studies of the Gallery's Transnational Business Strategy for Taiwan Commercial Galleries
指導教授: 邱誌勇
Chiu, Chih-Yung
Song, Sheau-Ming
口試委員: 謝明宏
HSIEH, Ming-Hung
CHIU, Chih-Yung
SONG, Sheau-Ming
口試日期: 2023/01/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系藝術行政暨管理碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Arts Administration and Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 藝術市場跨國畫廊文化菱形商業模式跨國策略批判論述分析
英文關鍵詞: Gallery, Art market, Cultural diamond, Business model, Transnational operation strategie, Critical discourse analysis
研究方法: 批判論述分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300208
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:465下載:0
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  • 台灣藝術市場自2001年始至2019年前後,經歷了藝術市場東移、中國熱風潮等現象,越趨於全球化。商業畫廊作為市場的一級角色,進行「跨國經營」遂成為重要營運項目。畫廊為了拓展國內外藏家的收藏廣度及需求,紛紛展開了各式跨國及跨境的營運計畫。然而在藝術市場版圖逐漸演化的過程中,因應跨國營運的內、外部的影響因素,畫廊進入跨國市場的營運方式也逐漸產生變革。
    本研究旨在探究台灣跨國畫廊的市場營運策略,藉以理解不同背景的畫廊的跨國營運機會運用及其過程。研究取樣來自規模與經營方向各異的四家台灣跨國畫廊,以PEST外部分析架構及Magnus Resch的畫廊營運模式交互探討,為跨國經營模式進行全盤評估。同時歸納出畫廊營運中的九大研究構面,援用Victoria D. Alexander的「文化菱形」模型為框架,從生產、消費兩方面進行的交互影響因素評估。同時運用Norman Fairclough的三向度批判論述分析 (Critical-Discourse analysis) 為分析方法,對採樣媒體文本進行研究構面的描述分析與詮釋,探索其與社會間的建構與脈絡,以此理解跨國現象中各種建構的途徑,用以歸納畫廊跨國營運的各種形式與重要性層次。

    Since 2001 and up to 2019, the art market in Taiwan has become more and more globalised through the eastward migration of the art market and riding on the China wave. As a primary player in the art market, commercial galleries have become an important part of their market development by engaging in "cross-border expansion".
    The aim of this study is to investigate the marketing strategies of multinational galleries in Taiwan in order to understand global opportunities based on different backgrounds of these galleries. The study sampled four multinational galleries in Taiwan of different scales and diverse operations. By using the PEST external analysis framework and the Magnus Resch's gallery business model to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of these multinational business models. It also summarizes the nine major dimensions of gallery management and uses Victoria D. Alexander's 'cultural Diamond' model as a framework to assess the interaction between production and consumption. In addition, Norman Fairclough's Critical-Discourse analysis (CDA) is used as a method to analyze, describe and interpret the research components of the sampled media texts. Further to explore their social constructs and contexts, so as to understand the various ways of developing the transnational phenomenon and to summarize the various characteristics of this gallery's operation.
    The results of this study revealed that the gallery's multinational business strategy should be based on five key concepts: internal quality management and clear value proposition, flexible international cooperation strategy, good international networking, artists quality and detail customer service plan, etc. The finding also shows the four factors that are important in influencing decision making as listed in the semantic emphasis of importance are: (i) sound financial planning (ii) dynamic internal management and open mindset of the gallery’s management team (iii) expansion of comprehensive cross-disciplinary resources sharing (iv) using quality artists as agents.
    The results of the above study are expected to provide a reference for the planning of international or cross-disciplinary gallery operations.

    第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究目的與問題5 第三節研究範圍與限制6 第四節研究流程與章節安排8 第五節名詞釋義10 第二章文獻探討12 第一節論藝術市場15 第二節台灣藝術產業跨國發展24 第三節跨國經營31 第四節論藝術社會學與畫廊商業模式42 第五節研究構面的形成61 第三章 研究設計與實施64 第一節研究方法66 第二節研究設計70 第三節分析方法與研究架構75 第四節研究對象與文本76 第四章研究分析與討論80 第一節文本分析81 第二節論述實踐層次123 第三節社會實踐層次142 第五章結論與建議 154 第一節研究結果與發現 155 第二節建議與後續研究方向 166 參考文獻 168 一、中文部分 168 二、西文部分 172 附錄175 附錄一 個案畫廊分析文本列序表175

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