簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 丁威中
Ting, Wei-chung
論文名稱: 對抗歷史失憶:楊小娜的《綠島》
Countering Historical Amnesia: Shawna Yang Ryan's Green Island
指導教授: 蘇榕
Su, Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 裸命例外狀態生命政治後記憶白色恐怖二二八事件
英文關鍵詞: bare life, the state of exception, biopolitics, postmemory, the White Terror, the 228 Incident
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000331
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:551下載:0
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  • 本論文以台裔美國作家楊小娜《綠島》中呈現的白色恐怖受難者與二二八事件見證者為研究重心,探討在黨國機器操作的歷史失憶症下,後記憶的傳承如何對抗歷史失憶與重塑有別於中國的台灣主體性。本文正文分三章,在第一章我以阿岡本與傅柯的生命政治概念論證自二二八事件至解嚴期間,國家機器如何結合主權權力與生命政治力介入台灣人的生命,以無孔不入的全景敞視監獄機制製造出裸命與恥辱,進而抹除台灣人主體性與造成台灣人的歷史失憶症。第二章我以賀琦的後記憶論述說明,蔡氏家族、國家暴行受害者的後記憶與主角的臺美經驗如何在文本當中扮演對抗黨國史觀、傳承家族與族群創傷的媒介、建立亞美族裔中的台灣認同,並召喚當代讀者對受難者的關懷,作為形塑台灣主體性的行動主義。最後一章我主張《綠島》的寫作推動了未竟轉型正義的實踐,並以後記憶對抗戒嚴時代的歷史失憶,為台灣人與台美社群發聲。

    This paper attempts to focus on the victims of the White Terror and witnesses of the 228 Incident in Taiwanese American Writer Shawna Yang Ryan’s Green Island to explore how the transmission of postmemory reshape the subjectivity of Taiwan and counteract historical amnesia when the historical amnesia is caused by the KMT-ROC state apparatus. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, I appropriate the biopolitics postulated by Foucault and Agamben to analyze how the state apparatus intervenes in Taiwanese people’s life during the 228 Incident and White Terror with sovereign power and biopolitical power. Producing bare life and shame on people with the pervasive mechanism of Panopticism, the state apparatus of ROC obliterates Taiwanese subjectivity and induces collective historical amnesia.In Chapter two, I appropriate Hirsch’s postmemory discourse to illustrate how the postmemory of the Tsai family and victims of state atrocities and the narrator’s Taiwanese American experience serve as a medium to defy the KMT-ROC state historical narrative and other colonial powers, which transmits the familial and ethnic trauma and thus rebuilds the Taiwanese identity in the tradition of Asian American Literature. In doing so, the postmemory gets to beckon readers’ concern for the victims and serves as an activism of shaping the subjectivity of Taiwan. In last chapter three, I contend that the writing of Green Island propels readers to reflect on the unfinished transitional justice in Taiwan and speak out for the traumatic history for Taiwanese and Taiwanese American community to counter the collective historical amnesia in the era of post-Martial Law and retrieve missing parts of the obscure histories.

    Introduction  1 Chapter One: The Caged Birds: Biopolitics in Green Island  24 Chapter Two: Haunting Legacies and Testimony: Postmemory in Green Island  44 Chapter Three: Conclusion  68 Works Cited  73

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