簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 鄭伊里
I-Lly Cheng
論文名稱: 由分析喬納森‧哈維作品《梅湘之墓》 至自身音樂創作上的應用
指導教授: 趙菁文
Chao, Ching-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 喬納森˙哈維頻譜樂派電子音樂梅湘
英文關鍵詞: Jonathan Harvey, Spectral Music, Electronic Music, Olivier Messiaen
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:376下載:43
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  • 當代極富盛名的英國作曲家喬納森‧哈維(Jonathan Harvey, 1939- )在音樂上有著獨特的想法及語彙,他將哲學和宗教上的思維連結至音樂當中,其發自內在的靈魂聲響,使音樂語言的可能性,昇華至另一個層次,故被讚譽為最有靈魂的英國作曲家。其作品編制種類豐富,涉及了器樂以及電子音樂,創作了多首電子音樂史中經典的作品,《梅湘之墓》(Tombeau de Messiaen, 1994)即為其中之一。
    《梅湘之墓》是哈維為了紀念法國作曲家梅湘(Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)而作,此曲兼融諸多二元的角色,如電子音樂之於鋼琴、自然純律之於十二平均律、單旋律之於和弦等,這些角色皆巧妙地被融合。受此影響,筆者嘗試運用包容二元的思維以及頻譜和聲之概念,體現在自身的創作中,以一首結合古箏獨奏與電子音樂的作品,尋找其中獨特的聲響。


    The English composer Jonathan Harvey (b.1939) has distinctive thoughts and expressions on music. Since he has been linking philosophical and religious insights with music, the voices and sounds rooted deeply within his soul has transcended musical expressions to a completely new level. Therefore, he is praised as the most spiritual English composer. His works embrace vast category, from instrumental music to electronic sounds. He gave birth to many of the classics amid the history of electronic music, with Tombeau de Messiaen (1994) being one of them.
    Tombeau de Messiaen was composed in honor of the French composer Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992). The piece ingeniously unified many elements that are diametric in nature, such as the electronic music as to piano, harmonic series as to the 12 equal temperament, and melody as to chord. Having been inspired by Harvey, the author attempted to implement the concepts of encompassing the opposites as well as harmony in her own work- a piece that combines guzheng and electronic music from which one quests the unique sound.

    Keywords: Jonathan Harvey, Spectral Music, Electronic Music, Olivier Messiaen.

    目錄 i 圖表目次 ii 譜例目次 iii 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 哈維˙喬納森之生平與音樂理念 4 第一節 生平及重要作品概述 4 第二節 創作理念與思維之淺述 10 第三章 《梅湘之墓》之分析 14 第一節 創作背景 14 第二節 音高與和聲之設計 15 第三節 主要素材之探討 23 第四節 整體結構概念 27 第五節 各段落分析 31 第六節 電子音樂與力度之使用 57 第四章 自身作品創作與實踐 59 第一節 創作概念 59 第二節 素材之運用 62 第三節 各段落分析 67 第五章 結論 77 附錄一:喬納森‧哈維作品列表 80 參考書目 83 作品樂譜 86

    Deliège, Irène and Wiggins, Geraint A. Musical Creativity: Multidisciplinary Research in Theory and Practice. New York: Psychology Press, 2006.
    Harvey, Jonathan. In Quest of Spirit: Thoughts on Music. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.
    ________. Music and Inspiration. London: Farber and Farber Limited, 1999.
    Downes, Michael. Jonathan Harvey: Song offerings and White as jasmine. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.
    McDermott, Robert. The New Essential Steiner.Massachusetts: Lindisfarne Books, 2009.
    O'Hagan, Peter. Aspects of British Music of the 1990s. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003.
    Paddison, Max and Deliège, Irène. Contemporary Music: Theoretical and Philosophical Perspectives. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010.
    Stravinsky, Igor. Poetic of Music in the Form of Six Lessons, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2003.
    Stockhausen, Karlheinz. Stockhausen on Music: Lecture and Interview compiled by Robin Maconie. London: Marion Boyars Publishers Limited, 2000.
    Whittall, Arnold. Jonathan Harvey. London: Farber and Farber Limited, 1999.
    東洋音楽学会。《日本の音階》。東京都 : 音楽之友社,1982。

    梅湘(Messiaen Oliver)。《我的音樂語言與技巧》(Technique de mon Langage Musical)。連憲升譯。台北:中國音樂家書房,1992。

    Harvey, Jonathan. "Spectralism." Contemporary Music Review. Vol.19, Part3. (2001): 11-14.
    ________. "The Metaphysics of Live Electronics." Contemporary Music Review. Vol.18, Part3. (1999): 78-82.
    ________. "Madonna of Winter and Spring." The Musical Times. Vol.127, No.1720. (1986): 431-433.
    Jenkins, Matthew. "A Search for Emptiness: An Interview with Jonathan Harvey." Perspective of New Music. Vol.44, No.2. (2006):220-231.
