研究生: |
王喜青 Wang, Hsi-Ching |
論文名稱: |
探討臺灣環境學習中心環境教育教師重要能力及其影響因素:實務工作者之觀點 Exploring Environmental Learning Center Educators' Key Competences and Their Influential Factors in Taiwan: Perspectives from Practitioners |
指導教授: |
Chou, Ju |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 239 |
中文關鍵詞: | 環境學習中心 、環境教育教師 、工作任務範疇 、重要能力 、能力影響因素 |
英文關鍵詞: | environmental learning center, environmental educator, work task categories, key competence, influence factors of competences |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000440 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:404 下載:25 |
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一、 環境教育教師、環境教育、環境學習中心之功能為環境、組織與公眾三者間的的溝通媒介。環境教育教師的角色跨越了教育實務、方案領導與組織管理三個層級。他們有九項工作任務範疇,以教育方案規劃執行和相關行政工作為主。
二、 環境教育教師需要的重要能力有14項,可以分為「一般工作職能」、「教學實務能力」、「環境教育專業能力」等三個能力領域。環境教育教師目前的能力掌握狀況以一般工作職能領域中的能力項目表現較佳,但教學實務能力的「營造學習氛圍」、「評估成效與精進教學」,以及環境教育專業能力的「環境教育基礎認識」等能力則表現較弱。
三、 影響環境教育教師能力表現的重要因素,包括人口學變項的「教育程度」、「環境學習中心服務年資」,個人內在認知因素的「審慎性人格」、「學科運用」、「工作幸福感」及「自我效能感」,外在環境因素的「學習者回饋」、「成功榜樣」、「月薪資」等因素直接或間接影響。其中又以幸福感與自我效能感影響較大。
The purpose of the study was to explore the occupation discriptions, work tasks, key competences and influential factors perceived by environmental educators of Taiwan’s environmental learning centers. As well as further to understand not only the status quo of work tasks and key competences but also to identify the significant influential factors of competences.
The study was conducted by two phases. In the first phase, the researcher took purposive sampling combined with snowball sampling method. 28 environmental educators with more than 4-year tenure were interviewed, and their perspectives on occupation, task categories, key competences, and the influencing factors of competences were collected. For the second phase, questionnaire survey was adopted to collect the status quo of their work task categories and competence, as well as to understand the relationships between the competences and influencing factors. 226 questionnaires were distributed from March to June 2016, while 185 valid questionnaires were responded, with a response rate of 88.9%.
The research findings include:
1. Environmental educators, environmental education, and Environmental learning centers are the communication media among the environment, the organization and the public. Environmental educators act as three roles: educational practices, program leadership, and organizational management. Their tasks contain nine major categories, while planning and implementation of education programs and the related administration are the two primary ones.
2. There are 14 key competences divided into three dimensions: general competences, teaching practice competences and environmental education professional competences. For the status quo, the general competence mastery of environmental educators are better than the other dimensions however, the competences such as "to create the learning atmosphere", "to assess the learning effectiveness," and "to understand the basis of environmental education” require to be further improved.
3. The path analysis shows that the competences of the environmental educators were influenced directly or indirectly by different variables, such as education level and seniority of demographic variables; conscientiousness personality trait, discipline application, perceptions of well-being and self-efficacy in workplace of internal cognitive factors; and learners’ feedbacks, successful role models, and salary of external environmental factors. Among these factors, well-being and self-efficacy are of greater influences, showing the environmental educators have a strong intrinsic motivation for environmental education occupations.
According to the research findings, the researcher proposed recommendations on practical applications and follow-up researches. The practical applications focus on the professional development of the educators, the staffs employment and trainings for organizations, the operation and management policies of the center, and the potentials of extending research findings to other environmental education organizations. The follow-up researches focus on research topics, target audience, research methods, etc., in order to enrich the research content of environmental education and environmental learning centers field.
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