研究生: |
張昱騰 Chang, Yu-Tang |
論文名稱: |
國中生依附關係、自我效能、道德疏離與偏差行為之關係 Relationships among Attachment, Self-Efficacy, Moral Disengagement, and Deviant Behaviors in Junior High School Students |
指導教授: |
Chang, Sheue-Mei |
口試委員: |
Tseng, Kuan-Chiu 劉秀嫚 Liu, Hsiu-Man 王錦雀 Wang, Chin-Chueh 劉若蘭 Liu, Jo-Lan 張雪梅 Chang, Sheue-Mei |
口試日期: | 2023/07/05 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 280 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我效能 、依附關係 、偏差行為 、道德疏離 |
英文關鍵詞: | attachment, self-efficacy, moral disengagement, deviant behavior |
研究方法: | 定量研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301433 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:225 下載:27 |
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四、國中生偏差行為表現最佳是一般違規行為 、其次是人際攻擊行為、偷竊行為、遊蕩行為、最後是網路偏差行為。
This study aimed to investigate the relationships among attachment, self-efficacy, moral disengagement, and deviant behaviors in junior high school students in Taiwan. A quantitative questionnaire survey method was used to survey a total of 1,550 students. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Based on the quantitative research results, the relevant factors affecting deviant behaviors were investigated. The findings of this study are as follows:
1. The highest level of attachment among junior high school students is to peers, followed by attachment to primary caregivers and school.
2. The highest level of self-efficacy among junior high school students is social self-efficacy, followed by academic efficacy and self-regulatory efficacy.
3. The highest level of moral disengagement among junior high school students is moral justification, followed by diffusion of responsibility, blaming the victim, and lastly, behavioral comparison and distortion.
4. The highest level of deviant behaviors among junior high school students are general rule-breaking behavior, followed by interpersonal aggression, theft, truancy, and lastly, online deviant behavior.
5. There are significant differences in attachment (attachment to school, attachment to peers), self-efficacy (social self-efficacy, academic efficacy), moral disengagement (moral justification, behavioral comparison and distortion, blaming the victim), and deviant behaviors (general rule-breaking behavior, interpersonal aggression, truancy) between genders.
6. There are significant differences in attachment (attachment to school, attachment to peers), self-efficacy (social self-efficacy, self-regulatory efficacy), moral disengagement (moral justification, blaming the victim) and deviant behaviors (general rule-breaking behavior, interpersonal aggression, online deviant behavior) in grades.
7. There are significant differences in attachment (attachment to primary caregivers, attachment to school, attachment to peers), self-efficacy (self-regulatory efficacy, academic efficacy), moral disengagement (diffusion of responsibility, blaming the victim) and deviant behaviors (general rule-breaking behavior, interpersonal aggression, theft, truancy) in different regions.
8. The hierarchical regression model of four groups, including "personal background", "attachment", "self-efficacy" and "moral disengagement", has explanatory power for general rule-breaking behavior of 7.3%, 11.9%, 18.5%, and 25.7%, respectively.
9. The hierarchical regression model of four groups, including "personal background", "attachment", "self-efficacy" and "moral disengagement", has explanatory power for interpersonal aggression of 3.1%, 5.2%, 6.5%, and 19.3%, respectively.
10. The hierarchical regression model of three groups, including "attachment", "self-efficacy", and "moral disengagement", has explanatory power for theft of 3.4%, 4.9%, and 13.4%, respectively.
11. The hierarchical regression model of four groups, including "personal background", "attachment", "self-efficacy", and "moral disengagement", has explanatory power for truancy of 0.8%, 3.8%, 4.4%, and 14.5%, respectively.
12. The hierarchical regression model of four groups, including "personal background", "attachment", "self-efficacy", and "moral disengagement", has explanatory power for online deviant behavior of 1.1%, 4.3%, 4.9%, and 15.1%, respectively.
Finally, this study provides specific recommendations for junior high school students, teachers, schools, and future research in four aspects.
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