研究生: |
盧佳鋒 Lu, Chia-Feng |
論文名稱: |
國中體育課實施學習共同體之行動研究-以籃球學習為例 An action research of Implementing learning community in the middle school PE classes─ A case of basketball learning |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ching-Wei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 107 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習共同體 、理解式球類教學 、合作學習 、單元教學研究會 |
英文關鍵詞: | learning community, TGfU, cooperative learning, lesson study |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:485 下載:12 |
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本研究目的在於將學習共同體的理念融入國中體育課,藉由行動研究方案的設計與實施,解決學生在課堂上「從學習中逃走」的問題,並發展出因應之方法及策略。本研究採行動研究法,針對研究者任教的七年級班級1班為研究參與班級,全班共27位學生 (男生14位、女生13位),進行10節課 (450分鐘) 之籃球教學,教學過程全程錄影,並實施正式訪談及相關圖文等資料之蒐集。資料採持續比較法後,獲得以下結論:一、學生在體育學習共同體的學習情形:透過規則的限制,學生參與活動、傳接球的機會皆有所提升;單元教學目標「快攻」在最後的單元教學評量中,有出現但不多;在情意方面,學生缺乏個人的情緒管理、聆聽他人聲音、尊重他人及關懷他人的素養。二、體育課學習共同體中教師單元設計情形:透過比賽規則的修訂,增加學生在參與機會,並提升團隊向心力,藉以解決學習中逃走之問題;持續轉變教學型態,及教師教學信念,以學生的學習為中心,藉以改變學生學習的方式,創建學習共同體。三、師的省思與成長:改變學生的學習方式與教師的教與學的方式是困難的,但唯有改變了,學生才能真正達到學習,老師才能夠成為學習的專家。
The purpose of this study was to blend the ideas of learning community into physical
education classes. By designing and implementing an action research about learning
community, this study attempted to solve students’ problem of “escaping from classes,” and
to develop the coping teaching methods and strategies. Action research was utilized to be
the methodological approach. Participants (14 male and 13 female) came from one
seventh-grade class whose physical education teacher was the researcher himself. Ten
classes (each 45 minutes) was implemented and videotaped; and after that, data including
individual interviews and related archives was collected. Consistent comparison was used as
analysis method and concluded with following points: (1) students learning in learning
community: through the limitations of game rules, students’ opportunities of participating
into activities and passing/catching a ball were relatively promoted; the performance of fast
break which is the psychological purpose of our lessons showed in the last few units, but the
frequency of this performance was not regular; in the affective dimension, the literacy about
emotion management, listening others’ voices, and respecting and caring others was still
under-developing. (2) lessons designing in learning community: with the aim of solving
problem of “escaping from classes,” game rules were revised to eventually improve the
opportunities of students’ participations and the centripetal force of each groups; teacher
kept on changing his own teaching styles and faiths for constructing the learning
environment of learning community. (3) the development and reflection of
teacher/researcher: it was very difficult to change the styles of student’s learning and
teacher’s teaching and learning; but it’s also because of all the changes, real learning could
be achieved by students themselves and then teachers could become the real experts of
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