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研究生: 蕭文欽
Hsiao, Wen-Chin
論文名稱: 教練模式應用於提升同儕教練執行功能之研究—以自閉症學童社會技巧訓練設計為任務導向
Applying Coaching in Improving Executive Function of Peer Coaching: A Task-Oriented Study on Social Skill Training Design for a School-age Child with Autism
指導教授: 陳心怡
Chen, Hsin-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 教練模式同儕教練融合教育自閉症執行功能社會技巧行動研究
英文關鍵詞: coaching, peer coaching, inclusive education, Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), executive function, social skills, action research
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204920
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:633下載:58
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  • 本研究係基於推展國小融合教育之行動研究。研究者運用普通學生的同儕支持以協助自閉症學生,同時兼顧雙方能力之提升,在本研究中應用教練模式以問題解決的任務導向方式,針對四位高年級普通學生及一位高年級自閉症學生實施訓練。研究探討普通學生之執行功能訓練成效,以及自閉症學生之社會技巧改善情形。教練模式之實施情形以及對執行行動研究的反思,亦一併探究。為探索事實,本研究利用觀察、訪談、反思、評量、自陳等方式蒐集多元資料,並予以比較及整合分析。研究採兩階段教練實施,第一階段為研究者擔任教練者,對普通學生進行執行功能訓練,以設計出一份自閉症學童社會技巧訓練方案;第二階段為同儕教練,一方面進行普通學生之執行功能訓練,一方面由普通學生擔任學生教練以訓練自閉症學生之社會技巧。

    In this action research that promotes inclusive education in elementary schools, the researcher employed general students’ peer support to help students with autism develop social skills and improve the capabilities of both student parties. A task-oriented coaching mode was employed to train 4 general students and a student with autism, all of whom are in their senior year. The researcher explored the training effectiveness of the executive functions of general students and the social skill improvement of the student with autism. The implementation of the coaching mode and reflection on the executive action research were also investigated. To explore facts, the researcher collected a wide variety of data through observations, interviews, reflection, assessment, and self-report methods, as well as comparative and integrative analysis. The coaching process was implemented in 2 phases. In Phase 1, the researcher assumed the coach and trained the executive functions of general students to design a social skills training scheme for school-age children with autism. Phase 2 involved peer coaching, in which the general students had their executive functions trained and they then assumed the student coach to train the social skills of the student with autism.
    The current the researcher underwent a long-term coaching process during the action research and enriched their experience in applying the coaching mode to promoting inclusive education. Such learning experience is extremely meaningful to the researcher regarding educational practices for children with special needs. In this action research, the following 6 results were derived: (1) The 4 general students exerted integrated executive functions that were conducive to solving complex problems. (2) A training method combining student life experience and task orientation effectively improved the 4 general students’ executive function. (3) The student with autism demonstrated improved social skills and manifested favorable adaptive behavior in an inclusive environment. (4) After the peer coaching stage, the student with autism exhibited differences in performance in the social skills training. Specifically, the nonverbal group adaptive behavior outperformed the verbal communication behavior. (5) The general students and the student with autism demonstrated improved capabilities after the implementation of the coaching process, thereby creating a win-win inclusive education for both parties. (6) A goal-oriented coaching mode is suitable for enhancing student capability; however, the advisor’s role functions and pedagogies are the keys to success.
    Finally, according to the results and discussion, the researcher proposes suggestions to frontline teachers and future researchers from 4 aspects: promotion of inclusive education in school, student executive function training, coaching mode application in the education field, and research works.

    目次 ....................................................Ⅰ 表次 ....................................................Ⅲ 圖次 ....................................................Ⅳ 第一章 緒論...............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機......................................1 第二節 研究目的...........................................3 第三節 研究問題...........................................3 第四節 名詞釋義...........................................3 第二章 文獻探討...........................................5 第一節 融合教育之意涵與同儕支持.............................5 第二節 自閉症學生之社會技巧.................................9 第三節 執行功能之意涵與訓練................................15 第四節 教練模式之意涵與應用................................25 第五節 行動研究法.........................................28 第三章 研究設計...........................................31 第一節 研究前的探索~一個有後續的起點.......................31 第二節 行動的流程及架構~走一條不盲目的新路..................32 第三節 研究參與者及場域....................................37 第四節 資料蒐集、處理與分析................................40 第五節 研究效度...........................................43 第四章 研究結果及討論......................................45 第一節 教練準備期之行動與發現...............................46 第二節 教練實施期之行動與發現-小超人們的執行功能表現情形......54 第三節 教練實施期之行動與發現-社會技巧訓練方案...............74 第四節 教練後期之行動與發現-小超人們的執行功能提升情形........86 第五節 教練後期之行動與發現-自閉症學童社會技巧改變情形........94 第六節 教練後期之行動與發現-我的反思與教練模式應用心得.......100 第五章 結論與建議.........................................108 第一節 研究結論...........................................108 第二節 研究建議...........................................111 參考文獻.................................................116 附錄一 教練模式觀察記錄表..................................129 附錄二 教師訪談大綱.......................................135 附錄三 學生訪談大綱.......................................136 附錄四 研究者反思記錄.....................................137 附錄五 自閉症社會技巧訓練方案評量表.........................138 附錄六 擔任學生教練自陳表..................................139 附錄七 協同參與者觀察記錄表................................140 附錄八 「執行」訓練層次之教學策略實施結果與執行功能 表現連結彙整.......................................141 附錄九 社會技巧訓練方案...................................145

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