研究生: |
梁秉義 Ping-Yi Liang |
論文名稱: |
花蓮縣多元就業開發方案勞工失業經驗、族群 與健康生活型態相關研究 The Association of Unemployment Experience、Ethnicity and Health Lifestyle among Labors of the Multi-Employment Promotion Program in Hualien County |
指導教授: |
Chen, Cheng-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 141 |
中文關鍵詞: | 失業 、多元就業開發方案 、原住民 、健康生活型態 、職場健康促進 |
英文關鍵詞: | aborigines, healthy lifestyle, Multi-Employment Promotion Program, unemployment, worksite heath promotion |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:412 下載:28 |
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一、 研究對象「五年內失業次數」平均為1.2次、「前一次失業累積月份」平均為4.06月、健康生活型態各分量表單題平均值以「人際支持」表現最佳,而「健康責任」表現最差。
二、 經單因子多變量變異數分析,「健康生活型態」整體表現與「族群」有關;漢族在「健康責任」、「人際支持」、「運動」、「壓力處理」等表現皆優於原住民族。
三、 經典型相關分析,「健康生活型態」整體表現與「年齡」、「五年內失業經驗次數」有關。「年齡」越高者,其「營養」表現也越佳;「五年內失業經驗次數」越高者,其「健康責任」、「運動」、「營養」、「自我實現」、「壓力處理」等表現卻越差。
四、 經結構方程模式分析,「背景變項、「失業經驗」及「族群」可解釋「健康生活型態」總變異量21.2%,其中以「失業經驗」及「族群」為主要預測變項;各分項影響效果值中,最高的二項依序為「壓力處理」及「運動」,最低的二項依序為「人際支持」及「營養」;研究結果顯示為原住民族者、五年內失業經驗次數越高者,其「健康生活型態」表現越差。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between a worker’s unemployment experience,ethnicity, and health lifestyle.
A questionnaire was administered to employees of the Multi-Employment Promotion Program in Hualien county by utilizing a stratified random sampling technique.273 copies of the questionnaires were distributed, and 217 valid responses were returned.The findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1.The average number of times a person was unemployed 1.2,whle the average duration that a person was unemployed 4.06 months.Among the six factors of the health lifestyle tested,the employees scored the highest in interpersonal support and the lowest in health responsibility.
2.One-way MANVOA technique determined,the relationship existed between a person’s ethnic background and health lifestyle. Individual of Han descent scored higher performance such as exercise, heath responsibility,interpersonal support,stress management than the aboriginal descent.
3.The canonical analysis determined,that a relationship existed between the age of an individual, health lifestyle,and the average number of times they had been unemployed. There was a positive correlation between the age of an individual and nutrition. There was a negative correlation between the average number of times a person was unemployed and exercise, health responsibility,self-actualization,stress management.
4.Structal equation modeling(SEM) determined that a person’s background, unemployment history, and ethnicity can predict the individual’s health lifestyle and explain for 21.2% of the variation in the equation. It was found the aborigines and high unemployed times had the least health lifestyle.
Based on the results of the study, suggestions and improvements have been proposed to the health and labor sector to provide employment opportunities to the unemployed and promote heath lifestyle to employed individuals in aboriginal areas.
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