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研究生: 黃綉萍
Hsiu-Ping Huang
論文名稱: 教師自由與學校民主:論楊格夫人之教師角色觀及其實踐經驗
Freedom of Teachers and Democracy in Schools:Exploring Mrs. Ella Flagg Young’s Views of Teachers’ Roles and Her Practicing Experiences
指導教授: 李玉馨
Li, Yuh-Shin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 243
中文關鍵詞: 教師自由學校民主楊格夫人教師角色教師委員會
英文關鍵詞: freedom of teachers, democracy in schools, Mrs. Ella F. Young, teachers’ roles, teachers’ councils
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:15
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  • 本研究旨在探討美國教育史上首位女性芝加哥教育局長暨全國教育協會(NEA)史上首位女性主席,同時亦曾被哲學巨擘杜威稱作最具處理學校事務智慧的楊格夫人(Mrs. E. F. Young, 1845-1918)之生平資歷、教師角色觀點內涵與特色、及其實踐經驗,並期盼藉此同時提升楊格夫人在臺灣學術界上的能見度。





    The main purposes of this thesis are to explore Mrs. Ella Flagg Young’s views of teachers’ roles and her practicing experiences in the Progressive Era. She was the first feminine superintendent of Chicago’s schools. She was also the first woman to head a large city school system and the first feminine president of the National Education Association in American history of education. Additionally, J. Dewey regarded her as “the wisest person in school matters. ” This thesis also discusses and analyzes Mrs. Young’s life background, educational career, and her associates. Most of all, the author simultaneously hopes to celebrate the extraordinary life of this educational leader who has not yet been appropriately recognized in Taiwan’s academic circle.

    The research technique of this thesis is document-analytic method primarily-- including biographical datum, relative historic information, files on Chicago Board of Education, and Mrs. Young’s writings.

    This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is introduction; the second chapter describes Mrs. Young's whole life and her associates; the third chapter explores Mrs. Young's views of teachers’ roles through reading first-hand and second-hand literature; the fourth chapter analyzes Mrs. Young’s practicing experiences of her views through reviewing her educational career; the fifth chapter is based on the research discoveries from the second to the fourth chapter to obtain the related inspiration; and the sixth chapter is conclusion.

    The conclusions of this thesis are as follows:

    First, Mrs. Young was a progressive educator that had pursued democracy through social reforms. Second, Mrs. Young's views of teachers’ roles obviously responded to the evils of her age. Third, Mrs. Young's practicing experiences of her views were important key to realizing a democratic society. Fourth, Mrs. Young’s views and practicing experiences are very valuable to current Taiwanese education.

    第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究緣起............................................1 第二節 前人研究成果回顧....................................10 第三節 名詞釋義...........................................23 第四節 研究目的與文獻 .....................................26 第五節 研究方法與步驟 .....................................28 第六節 研究範圍與限制 .....................................31 第七節 各章節內容概要 .....................................35 第二章 進步主義教育家之遺珠:談楊格夫人之生平與時代背景.........37 第一節 遽變的年代 ........................................37 第二節 其人‧其事 ........................................54 第三節 其友..............................................74 第三章 教師為學校的靈魂人物:探楊格夫人之教師角色觀............89 第一節 平等與和諧:學校民主的圖像 ..........................90 第二節 教育想像力:科學精神的涵詠 .........................103 第三節 尊重個殊性:塑造合作式班級 .........................113 第四章 學校為民主社會之基石:論楊格夫人教師角色觀之實踐經驗....125 第一節 芝加哥師範學校「動態的師資培訓」.....................125 第二節 芝加哥實驗學校「教師諮議制度」......................150 第三節 芝加哥公立學校「教師委員會」........................168 第五章 他山之石:析楊格夫人教師角色觀及其實踐經驗之啟示........189 第一節 教師職前教育之省思 ................................189 第二節 教師專業發展評鑑之省思 ............................201 第三節 教師組織工會之省思 ................................208 第六章 結論與建議 ........................................217 第一節 結 論 ..........................................217 第二節 後續研究建議 .....................................220 參考文獻 .................................................221 中文部份 ................................................221 英文部份 ................................................226 附錄 ....................................................233 附錄一 美國地方學區基本架構圖 ............................233 附錄二 美國地方學區組織架構圖 ............................235 附錄三 楊格夫人之友:珍‧亞當斯 ...........................237 附錄四 楊格夫人之友:瑪格麗特‧哈利 .......................241

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